I know this happens when your textures are corrupt, it happened to me when I first installed the game. Do you normaly ban for this?
I found 2 screenshot, so he was obviosly playing with these textures...
Yeah.. but he was caught and added on:
Date Caught June 10, 2006 at 10:53 pm
And this screenie is more recent... right? :o Can'rt be older than 4 days.
It's a pk3 file that removes the little lines from your thermals. It doesn't give you a big advantage. You don't see MORE because of this mod. It just avoids that you get dizzy of the little lines.
Someone got kicked and the logs showed this message:
[06.26.2006 04:22:53] VIOLATION (CVAR) #9001: ^3Big^2Bucking^8^7Chicken (slot #2) Cvar fx_sort = 0
What is this?
I was just checking our screenshot and all of a sudden I noticed I have screenshots in them for rthe [RED] server, |GC| and even F4F... How can this happen? :o
Hmmm... Our server is that messy too when you get a headshot...
Cool animation Ace, i did my sig in ImageReady... How did you get your own movie in ImageReady?
I will keep that in mind and spec him Tim. This guy started playing SOF a month ago, and starts to have scores like 35/5, wich is virtually impossible if you play with 25-30 people in the server.
We hardly get black pictures in our screenies btw, there is one player that always shows up black but he sucks too bad to be a hack.
I was wondering, if a screenie shows up with that message, should all the screenies of that person turn out black? Cause I suspect this guy of cheating, he switches to the thermals like a million times per map. From 10 screenies, 6 come up black.
Could it be that he runs a SS blocker?
We had a scrim today wich went bad... The server didnt ran PB and two players got very dodgy kills. They said they had this mod: http://soldieroffortune2.filefront.com/fil...Footsteps;22802
Even the developer says it might be considdered a hack... Why isn't it?