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Everything posted by Notorious

  1. I know this happens when your textures are corrupt, it happened to me when I first installed the game. Do you normaly ban for this? I found 2 screenshot, so he was obviosly playing with these textures...
  2. It's not a cheat as far as I know. But people do ban for it. I ban for it too. :o
  3. Yeah.. but he was caught and added on: Date Caught June 10, 2006 at 10:53 pm And this screenie is more recent... right? :o Can'rt be older than 4 days.
  4. He's not caught on the FUCKU server...? Thought they streamed too? B)
  5. Just found this one:
  6. If someone makes racist comments in our server, he gets booted. If he comes back and starts again, he gets pbanned. Muting doesn't make a difference.
  7. If it wasn't made with bad intentions.. it could be used for a new SOF2 mod: The Matrix Mod ;) :P
  8. We have 2 dedicated servers, do thats not it ;)
  9. It's a pk3 file that removes the little lines from your thermals. It doesn't give you a big advantage. You don't see MORE because of this mod. It just avoids that you get dizzy of the little lines.
  10. Someone got kicked and the logs showed this message: [06.26.2006 04:22:53] VIOLATION (CVAR) #9001: ^3Big^2Bucking^8^7Chicken (slot #2) Cvar fx_sort = 0 What is this?
  11. Ah okay, so it's perfectly normal?
  12. I was just checking our screenshot and all of a sudden I noticed I have screenshots in them for rthe [RED] server, |GC| and even F4F... How can this happen? :o
  13. Hmmm... Our server is that messy too when you get a headshot... Cool animation Ace, i did my sig in ImageReady... How did you get your own movie in ImageReady?
  14. I thought that something dragon was the one that made this crap... :o Ill see if hes in there ;)
  15. Anyway I can get this players name and GUID from our logs?
  16. Found that in our screenies today...
  17. I will keep that in mind and spec him Tim. This guy started playing SOF a month ago, and starts to have scores like 35/5, wich is virtually impossible if you play with 25-30 people in the server. We hardly get black pictures in our screenies btw, there is one player that always shows up black but he sucks too bad to be a hack.
  18. I was wondering, if a screenie shows up with that message, should all the screenies of that person turn out black? Cause I suspect this guy of cheating, he switches to the thermals like a million times per map. From 10 screenies, 6 come up black. Could it be that he runs a SS blocker?
  19. Link doesnt wrok for me... :(
  20. What should this be? I just turned on PB on a friends server and one of their members was kicked for having it at 90? In my config its set at 4?
  21. We had a scrim today wich went bad... The server didnt ran PB and two players got very dodgy kills. They said they had this mod: http://soldieroffortune2.filefront.com/fil...Footsteps;22802 Even the developer says it might be considdered a hack... Why isn't it?
  22. Okay, thanks a lot. That closes it up... :blink:
  23. Maybe.. but what would be your guys verdict with this info? So I can let my admin crew decide on his faith?
  24. I think the old crappy Olympic games on the Nintendo 8 bit would have gotten you somewhere.. bashing the A & B button... :P
  25. My girlfriend has got some amazing coordination with the buttons and can do it too... I'm a button noob and I suck at it... ;)
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