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Everything posted by Notorious

  1. Standaard is ook zo standaard ;)
  2. Ik heb nog niet gekeken. Ik kan het spel zelf niet spelen omdat hij GFX kaart het niet trekt. Deze week ga ik aan de gang! ;) Server heeft al wel iets van 600 unieke bezoekers gehad in 6 dagen.
  3. You are teh bomb! Thanks man...
  4. That's a bit too much info... but thanks.
  5. You were blind... the edit was to ask about the decay thingy ;)
  6. Ah oke, thanks for the quick response!
  7. Last few weeks I've been seeing some CVAR violations, *removed* for example. I thought I read somewhere, or even asked here, what it was and if it was bannable? And also, what does Cvar cg_errordecay do and is it bannable?
  8. That's what tim realised..after this huge rant post about model skins.. ;)
  9. So if someone would submit this, who is streaming, it would mean a ban? And what would the charge be exactly? Other screenies:
  10. Oke, i saw another one... This time with bright GREEN model skins on the enemy. You can NOT see them through walls, but you can imagine it gives you a great advantage on darker maps and maps like columbia.. The original model is complete gone... the models look like a known modelhack, only difference is you don't see them through walls..
  11. I found this screenie, i thought it was suspicious. But a few screenies later I found this one, a normal model with a purple glow: It looks really weird.. What's your opinions?
  12. Im seeing quite a few kicks for this mp.pk3 file, can someone tell me what this is?
  13. Whehehehe.. and he's gone...
  14. First WH screenie and it hasn't even been taken on our own server, but on FUCKU's :lol: I saw he was already caught (http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=10826) but i was so happy with my first WH screenie and there is not much activity in this section, so I thought I'd share. :blink: :D
  15. Can someone tell me what CVAR (#9001) - Cvar pmove_fixed = 1 is?
  16. You could easily be fooled by it though...thats a huge ass team icon. I don't think you can even stand in that spot (if it was a WH).
  17. I've got a smiliair thing. Sometimes when someone connects some peoples oputfitting goes crazy. Wich means the gun switches to burst or single, the thermals go off and on and you stand still for a sec or more. Can this be because of the ASCII too?
  18. The reason I was asking if it's possible to generate a key used for hacking is this list: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15925 I know Jigsaw, a 10 year old kid, played with a generated key at that time. So the chances are really small he hacked himself. So I'm wondering if there a possibility he generated a bad key? Same goes for faceless really, except his age ;) It really bothers me to see [CHP] tags on the list. Eventhough there never was a ROBERT or Gonzo, Facelessman and Jigsaw retired and the guys caught for wallhacking and an aimbot (Trik-Trak, C5, Sandra & Silent) started their own clan..
  19. There is no point, I was just asking so i could rule out that myth. I will ban him, or her, from our server. And yes, i'm an admin with all access but we are not streaming... The former game admin got a big no when he wanted to stream ;).
  20. Yeah I know, but is there any chance this person uses a generated key and accidentally generated a kay that's on the list? Or isn't that possible at all?
  21. It's a different name... IP =
  22. Can you tell us what it does? Cause I thought skld streamed?
  23. Yeah, i found that too.. I posted and after that started looking for it.. :blink:
  24. Saw this one today... whats the dll file?
  25. I got two screenshots of him, on one he was facing a gray wall... so that's enough for me to ban him. Thnx for the info AcE!
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