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Everything posted by Notorious

  1. I think it's already forgotten and maybe I shouldnt have made the comment. But I was really suprised when a pbbans admin was spreading rumours that 10 CHP were caught on one night, including the clan owner. That was BS... At that time, i didnt think very high of pbbans, so registered to see if maybe my image of pbbans was wrong. If you take that and the fact that our server admin was denied to stream with pbbans I had the feeling that pbbans was anti CHP for some reason. That's all... But like I said, I registered to see if I was right about pbbans, being an arrogant bunch of people, and i was wrong... :rolleyes:
  2. Yeah, but that doesnt answer my question...
  3. Okay, thanks. So if I understand correctly, having no recoil on a different server would be considered a hack? Or does that depend on the server? True... Looking at reload wouldnt really work, with the 25.000 clips... ;)
  4. I don't understand french... But... Bash has been in CHP and was kicked out due to this screenie: Cheating... Don't think a trouble ticket is needed. :blink:
  5. And..this means..? In plain english? Guilty or not guilty? :blink:
  6. It's not a fake... but you are right. Like I said, I wasnt trying to prove that he is guilty, cause i don't really care. I just found it funny that I saw him talking about his self made wallhack... :lol: And that, I have to partly disagree with... Quality yes, but not all admins have the same integrity you might expect from a pbbans associate. :o
  7. That's not really the point. Dingo was saying how narrow minded pbbans was, accusing him of cheating. He tried everything to convince people he was not a hack... and in this quote he literally says that he is a hacker, he made one himself. I thought it was kinda funny... thats all. :P
  8. I just found this... Made me think about this post about Dingo hacking. It's a part of a conversation between the NK (nightKillerz) clanleader and BB Dingo (not BB anymore). badboy_dingo: well if u thinkin the same way let me know because i havent started on anything yet man.. badboy_dingo: i made a hack yes badboy_dingo: but just to prove a point that u can hack on Mac computers badboy_dingo: hacks are easy all they are is Shaders badboy_dingo: but it was all just to prove a point
  9. Whats the problem if they run PB and they are not streaming then?? There isnt any difference, PB will keep the hacks out anyway.
  10. He has set up PB on the servers of his own clan now, the MDK clan. MrX helped him configuring PB, but we still didnt use it at that time. Now he's saying it's not his IP or his GUID, but the IP must have matched with the IP he posted from right? Im sure you guys are 100%, otherwise he wouldnt be in the convicted usergroup :rolleyes: His clan had a scrim last week and the opposite team questioned the integrity of 2 players... 2 Of our ex members that are playing in that clan with a different name :D
  11. Sweet wordplay ;) Well, it's bad enough that he was caught hacking but it gets worse if you know that he was like the clan master, being in charge of our NON PB running servers! Makes me wonder why we didnt get PB sooner... :blink: But its ancient history now. All the other guys that were caught that day went and started their own clan. they run PB now that Silent set up... :o
  12. Thanks man, but this ban has not been appealed? And what did he have that was a hack? Md5 tool can be anything?
  13. I can't get any information from that list... Searching for the alias 'silent' shows no caught GUID's. I have tried looking forother before, and I was never succesful... What am I doing wrong?
  14. So this means this guy is talking shit when he says he is not a hacker and his ban was lifted? Can someone give me more info on what [CHP] Silent is caught exactly? Or is that information for steaming admins only? :(
  15. Yes, it its kinda sweet... :lol:
  16. A lot of {E} used to hang around on our servers... A lot of {E} were cheatlisted too.. Since we run PB I haven't seen one of them again...
  17. Hey people, i was just browsing the forums and I came across and old [CHP] member that had 'Convicted Cheater' as a usergroup. What does this mean exactly and how up to date is this information? I know MrX caught 4 ex-CHP members on one evening once and he was one of them. However, he goes around telling people it was a mistake and his record was deleted. In other words, that he is not a hack. He's still 'helping' other clans out and he runs his own (the refuge of all the players we kicked, caught by X). Anyway, since MrX caught those fucktards we started running PB too. It costed us 2 more members (one by pbss) , but we now have like 8 new recruits that are skilled themselves and don't have a skilled hack.
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