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Everything posted by Rotten

  1. I thought we were supposed to ""play the game as we designed and balanced it". :P
  2. http://rr.pc.ign.com/rrview/pc/call_of_duty_modern_warfare_2/14280895/113007/ I like this review :)
  3. Rotten

    Give me PROPS!

    Heres some PROPS! #3 is my favorite.. its in stainless steel ;) pm me is you want more props
  4. Rotten


    Thats what she said..
  5. It isnt xmas before i've seen the "holidays are coming" ad by coca-cola! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCkfvoPgqto...feature=related
  6. Still the king of AC! :rockon:
  7. FIX IT NOW!
  8. Rotten

    Age of Conan

    http://www.giantbomb.com/profile/viiral/ag...player/30-7379/ i think he got fierd for this.. =/
  9. Isnt ads by google generated out of what you search for at google? I never get hack ads... only porn ads :P
  10. If anyone here didnt understand the dunder mifflin joke see this clip http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y6Wl-N9iOts from 2:30 to 3:10 ;)
  11. lol. do you work for Dunder Mifflin? :P
  12. Rotten

    Google Maps

    This is just brilliant! :lol: Is it possible to fix a search by nation/city etc?
  13. Probably. Its anyway dumb to ban someone for hacking if you dont have any proof.
  14. haha! I still play it sometimes. but the that time awesome grafic is so crappy now that i get headace when i play it:P still remember the cheats to.. dnall, dnstuff, dncashman etc..
  15. that program is called "punkbuster"
  16. Do pb setup again and make sure you have done it correct. If that dont work, try a truble ticket Click here Have in mind that it can take some time to get a reply on a truble ticket ;)
  17. its a PB Violation. you cant do anything. Neither can the staff and admins at pbbans.com. EB issue global bans only for cheats/hacks that mess with punkbuster (correct me if im wrong here). Since this is PB violation EB knows he cheated, and its 100% up to them if he get a global ban.
  18. No. Only Even Balance issue Global bans. edit: and for what you can do to give him a global ban: nothing. He gotta mess up himself ;)
  19. Yep. Same cd-key. But this only happend to me the easter -07 when it was only me and 13 other people at the base. (guard duty:P ) I had the game installed only on my laptop. but as I said that time: my laptop connected and disconnected from several wireless internet connection while i played. And i guess that was the reason i got kicked. Got connection interupted and after that the kick.
  20. Im not sure who I shall blame... But if I had to pull the trigger at someone, i would shoot Microsoft in the neck. But to be honest.. RIP Danny Federici. The e street band will never be the same without you.. "Danny and I worked together for 40 years - he was the most wonderfully fluid keyboard player and a pure natural musician. I loved him very much...we grew up together."
  21. I know, but its a serious ad made by microsoft -for microsoft Nowegian: sjekk vg nett ;)
  22. Not sure if I should post this "general PC issues" or in "Off Topic".. I guess its both. But here is it.. A ad made for internal use at Microsoft's salesteam.
  23. I wouldnt be too surprised if EB know what they are doing...
  24. As I said on mIRC.. I kinda.. ehhh... well... destroyed our bathroom. So I wont be able to donate money to pbbans. as I promised =/ ( that damned booze:P) couse a new mirror, sink + + cost alot. hehe. But I hope.. I dont fu*k up this month. We need you!! btw.. rodeobob is member nr 3.. who is number 2 and 1??? Edit: hehe.. Rotten didnt post this.. it was me, Aveeeyyyy:)
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