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Posts posted by Benway

  1. Not "a pbbans problem" tbh. ive recommended different to particular server admin (like, remove useless outdated scans, it just causes issues for no benefit)


    As for a fix, just move what you added to the game's directory - all (entirely legit = non cheat) files regarding "DXVK vulkan wrapper for dx9" as you quoted - to another directory, so the game will still load them ... so you have your bug-fix (it isnt, its just a workaround, right) & paranoid/clueless/aciL0Lprotected/immunetoadvice/banhappy admins will be still happy as they will get to see ... nada 


    In general: Games loading d3d*.dll and .dll in general always will check:

    1.) game directory

    2.) game directory /subfolders

    3.) files in operating system's PATH (and usually will find C:\Windows\system32\d3d*.dll)
        ...in that particular order


    Foolproof fix:

    1.) open an explorer.exe window in game directory (where you put the d3d9.dll)

    2.) there, create a new directory, give it a random name

    3.) move the files in question to the new directory gamedirectory\newrandomname

    4.) add the new directory to windows' PATH environment:

        several methods, ex via
        -  4.a.) Windows gui
                  control panel > System > Advanced system settings > Advanced > Environment Variables
                  workspace/rightclick/properties/Advanced system settings > Advanced > Environment Variables

                       add ;c:\pathtogamedirectory\newrandomname\; 1) in front of C:\Windows\...
                  ... see  https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm

          -  or  4.b.)  ...


    launch a  cmd.exe  console-window with admin rights (google) :


    C:\Users\Yourusername> PATH


    or similar


    C:\Users\Yourusername> path>C:\BackupPath.txt


    ... and issue the  PATH-addition  accordingly, just like:


    setx PATH "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\America's Army\AAPG\Binaries\DXVK\;%path%" 

    setx PATH "C:\Program Files (x86)\America's Army\AAPG\Binaries\DXVK\;%path%"


    in quotes - Note, these are just random examples,
    you have to customize the input accordingly  (here random name is "DXVK" w/h quotes)

    check the result  by C:\Users\Yourusername> PATH



    ref  https://www.windows-commandline.com/set-path-command-line/



    1)  to get this to work, new PATH to the directX addition/fix has to be loaded prior to C:\Windows\system32 , otherwise game will likely find, load and run the default crash direct3D ... just post back in case


  2. pb_Security 0 // allow pb-update downloads from ANY (game-)server


    ... players of legacy games are adivsed to add this line inside  C:\....\GameName\pb\pbcl.cfg 


    , file usually already exists -- // ;Auto Generated by PunkBuster Client -- so a search should work if PATH is unclear (commonly winAll > xp)

    • Like 1
  3. just to be as helpful as in last post, well ... ish

     ===== CL_CGameNeedsServerCommand =====
     serverCommandNumber: %d
     CL_CGameNeedsServerCommand: EXE_ERR_RELIABLE_CYCLED_OUT CL_CGameNeedsServerCommand: EXE_ERR_NOT_RECEIVED

    this is hexedit from CoDWaWmp.exe , same string for both ver. 1,0,0,1 and 1.4.1144 - what tells me it likely hasnt too much to do with PB :bigw:

    • Haha 1
    • Upvote 1
  4. preliminary notes:  We are not punkbuster (as you might have noticed), neither is EA

    EA wont help you, allthough we arnt PB we might: if you cooperate - i.e. do your homework (as you have been told in post #2)  --> https://www.pbbans.com/info-center-clientlog.html

    5 hours ago, adaman7 said:

     What do I do with the logs?

    post it. [optionally, search for string:  Kick ]

     ... an error report with no description (shrug report) leads to nothing;
    as i can see your log on a streaming server, we eventually can cut this short:

    [07.21.2018 01:07:00] -> PBSV: RESTRICTION: ranzid1975 (slot #12) [*13b18fb5(-) 162.*:3659] 
                             Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe
    [07.21.2018 01:07:01] -> PBSV: Kick Command Issued (RESTRICTION: 
                             Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe) for (slot#12) ... 


    --->   your turn:   https://www.pbbans.com/info-center-pbsvc.html#install



  5. Nice. Anybody wanted to add a remark on "community-driven anti-cheat" here?

    Like, what a"useful" thing that was? Or like, a hardly ever working anti-cheat was better than sod all?







    Just thinking. (after silently bearing all the nonsensemongerish i had to read elsewhere here (post-cognitive area, ain't we))

    • Upvote 2
  6. lol and how is that usefull to the community.. a streaming admin already has a streaming server.. why would he need the list?? makes no sence.

    We i don't care for certain communities, that never did any good for us or for anti-cheat oriented players & admins in general.




    PS/BTW: i sense a partial loss of native language.

    /off to make a fence.

    • Upvote 2
  7. Prerequisite for MPi access: streaming server(s)


    Use of MPi access for ET (in short: historical) :


    ET was removed from Master Player Index MPi due to numerous spoofing issues (guid / ip / server-spoofs / injected banable-violations / pb_server-hacks / fake-clients ... anything) 2011 -ish.

    Since then we handle all ET bans as Unofficial Bans solely. In other words, streamed data of legacy games (no more support, no updates/patches for known exploits) has to be rated less reliable, if not unreliable.

    To keep MPi as trustworthy as possible, we will not process data from said servers to be integrated into MPi database.

    it screws up MPi integrity via linked guid(s) feature, same was was done e.g. for BFp4f (bug: one IP for all players) ... endpoint of screwup was: every guid is linked with any guid, what renders MPi finally useless.

    • Upvote 1
  8. cloudflare :

    Several of our provisioned certificates were not renewed automatically.

    We're working to correct the issue. Once the certificates are renewed, they'll be put in place with no action required on your part. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

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