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Posts posted by Benway

  1. I have Cheat engine

    you answered your question. it doesnot matter at all 'for what purpose/game/reason' you did. Gamehack violations are triggered by a certain pattern in system memory, pb does not see what caused the violation or for what purpose, so all questions 'what causes ...' are more or less futile. Yes CE is used in MP game hacks, though these are easy beef for pb. Anyway we will not give any cheat related information or allow discussions related to cheats.

    Bottomline your word stands against a punkbuster violation backed by streamed evidence.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 1. you have to download pbsetup.run (not found) - DL link in post #2 , or inside CoD2_pb_linux.zip archive (CoD2 Linux v.1.760 A1383 C2.208) - link in post #4

    2. pbsetup is always executed from the the game server root (not! /pb)


    1 To find the server path you can issue the pb_sv_homepath command to your server. It will return the path including the PB folder (ex "/home/cod4srv/pb") Remove the pb/ part of the result when adding games to pbsetup.

  3. 1. click


    i sell cheats. My subscribers will have to log into my authentication server (with a hardware GUiD logged previously) each time they want to run one of my hacks. As soon as one of my products is reported with a punkbuster violation my auth server will lock down all regarding logins until an update removing the detection was send out to customers.

  4. I read many words around little content ("impossible") - granted, you do not tell your business concept. E.g. aimbot detection would require evaluation of "stats" quite different to the ones you might know; K/D, K/min., hits/shots etc. are arbitrary information and entirely useless. You rather needed monitoring of "uninteresting" stuff like target tracking speed, target tracking deviation, systematic or stochastic variance of tracking ... some basics of interest (a threshold concept still does not convince me, though): www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~cslui/PUBLICATION/detect_cheat.pdf (Yeung/Lui/Liu/Yan 2006); appsrv.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~cslui/PUBLICATION/mmsj_tr.pdf (Yeung/Lui 2008) - src http://appsrv.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~cslui/resume.html

    • Upvote 2
  5. ... but Admin say seems to work


    if you just saw a join greeting "Welcome to BRASIL AMERICA ARMY AAPG" it does,


    [09.06.2013 14:29:05] ->PBSV: PB UCON "pbbhub2-1"@ [say <pbbans.com> Welcome to BRASIL AMERICA ARMY AAPG]


    the equivalent RCon command should read :


    Admin say YourMSGhere


    pb_sv_task 20 300 Admin say YourMSGhere


    with , no . and without(?) quotes


  6. no idea, AA2 syntax was http://battletracker.com/forum/america-s-army-2-x-forums/america-s-army-discussions/p590532-america-s-army-console-commands-how-to-bind/#post590532


    Admin say - Uses the chat to message players.


    Admin pb_sv_say say - Uses PB to send an admin message to the players. Notice the two spaces after say; it must have them or the first word won't display. The message will appear like this: Punkbuster Client: ADMIN:


    Admin message - This is similar to admin say, except that the message is delivered in big text to the middle of the screen. Everyone receives the message.



    ... but Admin say seems to work http://forum.americasarmy.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=9255#p83700

  7. Cvar aimvec = 1 0 0 60


    Is this actually a cheat or just a Cvar kick?


    the game console uses no cvar 'aimvec' (unknown command/setting). This cvar is set (imported to the game's console) by a cheat in use. In particular, the aimvectors of an aimbot - or aimbot as part of a multihack. This one is in an array format [1 0 0 60] for the more commonly used cheat-cvars aimvecX (1) aimvecY (0) aimvecZ (0). 60 is for common cheat-cvar aimFoV - 60°, the visible angle the aimbot will start to track targets. Settings mean, the aimbot was adjusted to slightly aim left under a tracking angle of 60° (high aimfov values result in snapping aim). some more random info .

    Just google "aimvec = 1 0 0 60" for the explicit answer.

  8. punkbuster did not work in no time:( punkbuster family.. not stop cheating [hankie - yeye, all cheaters cept mum]

    Not updated since 2009 cod2? [snapback.png get a clue?]

    While there are more older games,,You have selected cod2 you remove from the list [ Read 1sht ]

    multiplayer games most played games>>>>>>>call of duty 2 [i lol'd]

    again to say :punkbuster family NOT STOP CHEATİNG [so, where is the point for this post anyway?]


    whîne & faîl ... you might bother to read the whole topic, in particular snapback.png posts #5+6 (and i wont bother to repeat the point u keep missîng)

    • Upvote 3
  9. appears the CoD master server is down as well


    really not unusual for them to be down 2 - 10 days. happens at least twice a year


    happened all the time when cod/1/uo/2/4 was not discontinued ... so there is hope yet.

  10. i always have to smile when i see a pbss submission with reason "visual cheat" (as if anybody expected to see an audible cheat?) what provides some information about the submitter's origin but plain nothing on the submission. So much for mixing up a matter of taste with Ethics ... or Synesthesia? Now you could continue your philosophic approach on the grade of helpfulness of pleonasms vs. approaches that try to use certain guidelines for the one purpose: to figure things out as clearly as possible.

    • Upvote 3
  11. not a single stick but i did see the flash screen then it started to smoke. RMA is already sent out time for a new one


    out of interest, how old and what model? Just for my built-in-operational-life-span collection. Sort of annoying if already mobos get like 3 ct capacitors - to demonstrate the sound of popcorn? like my 90 bucks gfx now do every ~2.8 ;P years (my first 500$ evga was 400 for the trashcan, lasted 3.6 years)

  12. when i restarted i get no video, card works in my other machine with same monitors


    i had the same after replacing gfxcard (ty evga for rmaing your consumer trash v.2.1), boot into black with a new card ... obvious was windows (xp_32 as well w7_64) was messing up the pci(e) registers. So i tried to reset them by changing all pci-e port settings in bios from Auto to OFF, boot and to manual ON in several steps, boot again then back to Auto subsequently. This fixed xp, no joy still with w7. Fix was increasing some bios setting "Low memory Gap" (default 1536M - xp_32 can address 3GB RAM only with 1024M); this is some obscure memory range voodoo © intel (page 10 ff), roughly: setting has to be > gfx-memory x 1.5 for whatever reason. w7_64 handles higher settings seamlessly, win_32 will 'find' less RAM

  13. +1 i cannot remember the name of the washoffbar ... but i remember when some guy at work who used to try out any shit came up with a 'coins'-adbanner-bar annoyance ... for Netscape Navigator 4.06 :P (1998) - needless to tell the results

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