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Posts posted by Benway

  1. the way more interesting post is:



    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    Migrates WinXP Pro to WinXP Point of Service 2009 (see links below); no reboot is required.


    (resp. xp 64bit  https://sebijk.com/community/board9-community/board5-pc/2985-getting-xp-updates/?s=0c2718baf1f23f7efb53200ee460a44318015a14 )


    it works with other international xp sp3 32 versions not just ENG, and you can get rid of the stupid \Windows\system32\LegitCheckControl.dll  joke-Version 

    (delete it before the .reg patch and the first update, its a useless Hoax anyway "solve this problem ... buy win 8 now"); embedded update brings back a working Version

    Current result is 8 post-eos xp updates plus a ie 8 fix (although "security hole in ie" is a kinda cute concern :P )


    What means POSReady? see the POSReady7 marketing drivel here.

    What is the difference between win xp and its embedded versions, like PE/WEPOS/WES/POSReady(WEI)? ... in a nutshell

    • Upvote 1
  2. But I can't submit it at all because the server is Lite.

    GUiD 575a872a was only seen on steaming servers from Nov 01 to Nov 03, 2013 -- not on -- so we definitely have no streamed logs matching this PBSS.

    (just 9 months to answer this, now beat that)

    • Upvote 1
  3. For freeriders, Comodo offers several decent solutions for free, although i would slightly rate down usability; for instance Comodo Internet Security-free offers, along with an overall similar protection level, more annoyances than BullGuard (springtime discounts up to 70%) Internet Security, and paypal dunnwork eg. for 'free' Comodo Backup cloudspace payments.


    Just keep the golden rule in mind: "If you are not paying for it, you are not a customer; you're the product being sold." (Google, NSA et.al.)fremium-model.jpg

  4. sure. As well rest assured the global MSG is still more than ever accurate,

    "Not unlike Google, Akamai has an enormous power to monitor users’ Internet usage and to control or even alter the messages that users send and receive. But while Google is repeatedly - if not often enough - held to the fire by privacy and civil liberties advocates, Akamai is mostly ignored."

    but i am sure they got the backbone of a nudibranch err .. they will gladly help to watch what might endanger your national security.

    cloudflare same biz mod? No. If i want, i can circumvent cf with little if any hassle. i cannot circumvent akamai at all, no matter what i want and i never was or will be asked - You? Tina

    • Upvote 1
  5. not a Chance, i tried several s in hosts years back, what broke all kind of stuff. I just left it with killing 24/7 Run&NOP update-monitoring-services (but AV, but that uses its own servers/proxies anyway) and set them to manual (and ReVo-uninstalled teh Mother of all LSOs, creepy adobe AiR); akamai was used for update services by many software companies mainly the big As; nowadays they hide behind some Random-Gibberish-deploy.akamaitechnologies.com domains anyway (what renders hosts close to useless) like google does with *.1e100.net. http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/cports.html
    PS: Ahh LoL

  6. I checked Origin on this tool above, and it failed. You may want to change your passwords on Origin immediately.




    well ... thats down to spam distribution network CDN akamai blocks SSL-connections



    Check your online-banking - not the landing page ... the netbanking.* onlinebanking.* subdomain - nice one :rolleyes:


    the one i have to use @work ...

    TLS 1.2 No 
    TLS 1.1 No  
    TLS 1.0 Yes  
    SSL 3 Yes 
    SSL 2   INSECURE Yes 
    Cipher Suites (sorted by strength; the server has no preference) 
    SSL_CK_RC4_128_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5 (0x20080)   INSECURE 40 
    SSL_CK_RC2_128_CBC_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5 (0x40080)   INSECURE 40 
    TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 (0x3)   WEAK 40 
    TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5 (0x6)   WEAK 40 
    SSL_CK_DES_64_CBC_WITH_MD5 (0x60040)   INSECURE 56 
    SSL_CK_RC4_128_WITH_MD5 (0x10080)   INSECURE 128 
    SSL_CK_RC2_128_CBC_WITH_MD5 (0x30080)   INSECURE 128 
    TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 (0x4)  128 
    TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA (0x5)  128 
    TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (0x2f)  128 
    SSL_CK_DES_192_EDE3_CBC_WITH_MD5 (0x700c0)   INSECURE 

    ... means, it is up to clients to disable SSL 2.0 in Browser configuration what is pretty much default;

    Nevertheless, what is the point to open a https server for ssl 2.0? IE 3 users?



  7. *sigh*



    Punkbuster always detected cheats loaded into system memory.

    You can use CE back and forth as you wish. If you join a punkbuster enabled server with traces of its use (unloading only may be sufficient to avoid a cheat violation, but a cold system restart is highly recommended) - that is your fault.

    • Upvote 3
  8. I guess I'll be copying certain pages in their entirety from now on, in case their contents go missing again

    i would recommend that, although this will not help you to open your eyes, alternatively you could just ask before you start to spread lies,


    There was nothing split



    at this point i leave it to your Brilliance to find your missings.

    All other questions are answered by Post Dates and Times, you will figure yourself.


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