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Posts posted by Benway

  1. WolfMP141 2012-01-16 23-15-49-90.jpg


    ... , but I cannot see any servers at all in multiplayer.


    no ingame browser = no masterserver , that is wolfmaster.idsoftware.com being unresponsive.


    // Master servers http://is.gd/XBuzYe

    seta sv_master1 "master3.idsoftware.com"

    seta sv_master2 "master0.gamespy.com"

    seta sv_master3 "wolfmaster.idsoftware.com"

    seta sv_master4 "clanservers.net"

    seta sv_master5 "eg.dynip.com"



    External Browsers that support RtCW are GS or QT

    • Upvote 1
  2. - client logging is useful to trace errors, not more or less. So the Q would be: what is the kick reason when you connect to a server

    - it does no harm to add and update both /pb locations in pbsetup+legacy

    - common issue under vista/w7 is either the Game.exe or PnkBstrA.exe / PnkBstrB.exe are not running with admin rights. Google & Google

    - ofc there are no working 64 bit versions for discontinued legacy games


    if a game does not run w/h pb this will lead to nothing; i'd rather delete pb and get the game to run first, drivers, DX configuration etc.

    • Upvote 2
  3. one more little thing: when I run the pbsetup.exe in the pbsetup+legacy package, it only works in legacy the first time I run it.

    The next time it shows only the current supported games list. so I delete the files and re-extract them to run it again.


    That is what discontiued support means; thus there is nothing to 'fix', it is a workaround.


    Create two folders pbsetup_new (contains pbsetup.exe) pbsetup_legacy (contains legacy.rar, extract again if needed).




    PBSetup.exe still works, but you will need an old backup copy of pbgame.htm to run it on legacy games


    ... and pbsetup will download a new pbgame.htm (w/h legacy games) each time it's run, so the procedure is abit fiddly, as on the next run legacy games are gone, so you have to start over from scratch and: delete pbgame.htm, copy/rename pbgame.htm.bak, restart pbsetup, use [Add Game] again; (PS: or backup/zip pbuser.htm once you added all legacy games)




    • Upvote 1
  4. thats what happens if someone thinks it was a good idea to listen to cheat site-vips/staff etc. personnel what could be done against their exploits "Oh, nothing? Too bad" instead of keeping them outdoors on policy and beforehand where ever possible. That is their choice. My choice at this point is, i quit taking anything seriously what comes from a source considering that a policy suitable for AC .



    BTW: Still encouraging to stream Home-Servers to pimp up numbers? Or EA/Dice fixed that misconception accidentally?



  5. Okay, I was thinking about getting this card for my system:


    Does anyone have it, and if so, do you recommend it?


    The pleb-version is already pretty smooth, i got one as an on the fly replacement (blackscreen + musical MoBo Saturday afternoon) for 1 evga_GTX285_FTW for twice+ the juice. To give a few tendencies, it "performs" not as good in benchmarks


    GTX285_219.png GTX560_181.jpg


    (285 result with maxed out memory timings though (dominator @1600 XMP) couldn't be arsed with the 560), but under practical conditions the 560 returns rather higher but first and foremost more stable FPS rates; this as well with old and new games, in paricular it's way smoother in RO2, 90fps almost constant vs. 60-68 ish. It's cooler and more silent, 40°C vs. 52°C idle. Stable and solid. Bottomline thumbs up.

    And for the future i'd rather get another mass product from a mass brand rather than a nifty-pricey niche product of a - still - mass brand, marginal performance gain plus more noise isn't really worth the less marginally higher price. Only pro was if you get 10 years RMA - not here, PartNo.-KR is 3 years anyway.

  6. 1. go to games /pb folder, create a text-file named pbcl.cfg , file contents:

    // filename: pbcl.cfg -- goes to game's /pb/
    pb_MsgPrefix "^5PunkBuster Client"
    pb_Sleep 500
    pb_LogToFile 1
    pb_SsLog 1
    pb_SsSave 1
    PB_LogMD5Tool 1
    pb_Security 0 // allow pb-update downloads from ANY (game-)server


    Note for Windows Vista and Windows 7 Users :
    Please note that Windows Vista and Windows 7 stores the logs and other PB files outside the game folder commonly located at:

    You can enter this to view the PunkBuster working folder for the current user and select the game you wish to setup logging for:


    this enables client logging as well; to retrieve information like GUID, exact kick reasons and violation numbers etc. refer to:
    for further information see: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-clientlog.html

    2. update client pb using this workaround, contains old Backup of 'pbgame.htm' for legacy games : LEAKED!

    3. check this out http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-pbsvc.html as well.

    • Upvote 1
  7. i tried this bfhd exploit (bfhd map in dc levels/) on a DC online server, result(s): empty/grey map-loading screen & crash to desktop - as expected and as it should. It only "works" (with weapons etc. of the wrong mod) on local servers, but this only as server and client are using the same wrong map-file.


    for #9013 kicks, practically pb_sv_md5toolfreq is a timeout. Usually clients are kicked shortly after connecting if the server issued a md5tool check (note there is a random factor) while clients are still initializing (or worse: updating) pb. This can get worse if the servers network connection gets weak - i used to run md5toolfreq 50 but during weekends 120 ish.

    Opposed to that, if there are individual clients always getting kicked, they have update, init or firewall issues, no overall admin rights (vista) - i never found a fix though.


    As a practical approach: the list contains a lot of dated items, i'd run a high setting, but 300 is already maxed out. If there are still mass kicks, my only idea is, its a legacy game pb-wise, and apparently stuff starts to break.

  8. I hope it's not inappropriate to say this here but if you copy the map rfas and overwrite the dc versions, you will have the low-fog versions running client side.

    Conspiracy. All you get from that is a game crash (i tried, you?) as client's and server's map+mod do not match*. Even if this not the case: checking for the existence of a mod (mods/BFHD/Archives/Objects.rfa NOT_FOUND) would not change an overwritten map-file (rename /BFHD/, fixed?)


    *(local server w/ same broke-joke-map)

    BF1942 2011-11-27 08-39-23-63.jpg



    Any other ideas for avoiding the kicks?

    What type of kicks? violation logs? there is no md5t related kick in the streamed logs back to Nov.7, 4-5 kicks for #9013 Ignoring MD5Tool Queries. Usual fix for #9013 is a higher md5toolfreq setting, a few random #9013 viols. are common.

  9. pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "mods/BFHD\Archives\Objects.rfa" SZ0 AT0 LEN32 NOT_FOUND

    syntax error


    pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "mods/BFHD/Archives/Objects.rfa" SZ0 AT0 LEN32 NOT_FOUND


    that left aside, i don't see any sense in kicking players for having a mod that has no impact on other mods, imo you have to join a BFHD Server - i have BFHD myself and joined your server today, and there defo was full fog on ivo jima.


    is it possible everybody has bfhd? :P

  10. I have an entry in my pbsv.cfg that says


    pb_sv_uconignore "pb_sv_md5toolfreq"


    Should I remove that or leave it?

    that just prevents modifications of pb_sv_md5toolfreq via PBUCON (e.g. streaming services), can stay as is.


    One more question - I'm trying to add an entry for BFHD and I used to have a cheat sheet for adding entries, what the w did vs. a, but it seems it was lost. I looked in the information center and tried some googling but I don't see any info on it - do you have a link handy that I can read to get it?


    brief overview, you can pm me your md5 list when done (+ additional info like DL sources) if you want.

  11. for clients/players: BTW the old pbweb.exe still works,  pbweb.rar
    at least for minor client updates :


    [11.30.2015 04:33:57] PBWEB v2.2
    [11.30.2015 04:33:57] This program is (C) Copyright 2002-2005 by Even Balance, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
    [11.30.2015 04:33:57] pbweb must be launched from the home "pb" folder where the game is installed.
    If launched from another location, pbweb will not be able to update PunkBuster.
    [11.30.2015 04:33:57] If you experience a problem with this program, please visit our support center
    at http://www.evenbalance.com.
    [11.30.2015 04:33:57] Starting pbweb to check for PunkBuster updates via world wide web
    [11.30.2015 04:33:57] Initializing ... (please wait - ctrl+c to cancel)
    [11.30.2015 04:35:57] Resolving www.evenbalance.com
    [11.30.2015 04:35:57] Resolved to 209.*.237.*
    [11.30.2015 04:35:57] Checking for PB Client updates
    [11.30.2015 04:35:57] Game: bf1942
    [11.30.2015 04:35:57] Attempting to download pbsec.htm (please wait)
    [11.30.2015 04:36:03] 
    **ERROR from Web Server: 302 Found
    [11.30.2015 04:36:03] File already exists: htm\wa001331.htm
    [11.30.2015 04:36:03] htm\wa001331.htm successfully converted to dll\wa001331.dll
    [11.30.2015 04:36:03] File already exists: htm\wc002110.htm
    [11.30.2015 04:36:03] htm\wc002110.htm successfully converted to dll\wc002110.dll
    [11.30.2015 04:36:03] dll\wc002110.dll copied to pbclnew.dll
    [11.30.2015 04:36:03] Checking for PB Server updates
    [11.30.2015 04:36:03] Game: bf1942
    [11.30.2015 04:36:03] Attempting to download pbsecsv.htm (please wait)
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] 
    **ERROR from Web Server: 302 Found
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] File already exists: htm\ws001457.htm
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] htm\ws001457.htm successfully converted to dll\ws001457.dll
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] dll\ws001457.dll copied to pbsvnew.dll
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] File already exists: htm\wa001331.htm
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] htm\wa001331.htm successfully converted to dll\wa001331.dll
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] File already exists: htm\la001331.htm
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] htm\la001331.htm successfully converted to dll\la001331.dll
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] Removed dll\la001331.dll - not needed
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] File already exists: htm\ma001331.htm
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] htm\ma001331.htm successfully converted to dll\ma001331.dll
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] Removed dll\ma001331.dll - not needed
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] File already exists: htm\wc002110.htm
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] htm\wc002110.htm successfully converted to dll\wc002110.dll
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] dll\wc002110.dll copied to pbclnew.dll
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] File already exists: htm\lc002110.htm
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] htm\lc002110.htm successfully converted to dll\lc002110.dll
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] Removed dll\lc002110.dll - not needed
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] File already exists: htm\mc002110.htm
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] htm\mc002110.htm successfully converted to dll\mc002110.dll
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] Removed dll\mc002110.dll - not needed
    [11.30.2015 04:36:08] pbclnew.dll copied to pbclsnew.dll
    [11.26.2011 08:37:32] PBWEB v2.2
    [11.26.2011 08:37:32] This program is (C) Copyright 2002-2005 by Even Balance, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
    [11.26.2011 08:37:32] pbweb must be launched from the home "pb" folder where the game is installed.
    If launched from another location, pbweb will not be able to update PunkBuster.
    [11.26.2011 08:37:32] If you experience a problem with this program, please visit our support center at http://www.evenbalance.com.
    [11.26.2011 08:37:32] Starting pbweb to check for PunkBuster updates via world wide web
    [11.26.2011 08:37:32] Initializing ... (please wait - ctrl+c to cancel)
    [11.26.2011 08:37:32] Resolving www.evenbalance.com
    [11.26.2011 08:37:32] Resolved to
    [11.26.2011 08:37:32] Checking for PB Client updates
    [11.26.2011 08:37:32] Game: bf1942
    [11.26.2011 08:37:32] Attempting to download pbsec.htm (please wait)
    [11.26.2011 08:37:37] **ERROR from Web Server: 302 Found
    [11.26.2011 08:37:37] File already exists: htm\wa001331.htm
    [11.26.2011 08:37:37] htm\wa001331.htm successfully converted to dll\wa001331.dll
    [11.26.2011 08:37:37] File already exists: htm\wc002110.htm
    [11.26.2011 08:37:37] htm\wc002110.htm successfully converted to dll\wc002110.dll
    [11.26.2011 08:37:37] dll\wc002110.dll copied to pbclnew.dll
    [11.26.2011 08:37:37] Checking for PB Server updates
    [11.26.2011 08:37:37] Game: bf1942
    [11.26.2011 08:37:37] Attempting to download pbsecsv.htm (please wait)
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] **ERROR from Web Server: 302 Found
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] File already exists: htm\ws001457.htm
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] htm\ws001457.htm successfully converted to dll\ws001457.dll
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] dll\ws001457.dll copied to pbsvnew.dll
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] File already exists: htm\wa001331.htm
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] htm\wa001331.htm successfully converted to dll\wa001331.dll
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] File already exists: htm\la001331.htm
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] htm\la001331.htm successfully converted to dll\la001331.dll
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] Removed dll\la001331.dll - not needed
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] File already exists: htm\ma001331.htm
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] htm\ma001331.htm successfully converted to dll\ma001331.dll
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] Removed dll\ma001331.dll - not needed
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] File already exists: htm\wc002110.htm
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] htm\wc002110.htm successfully converted to dll\wc002110.dll
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] dll\wc002110.dll copied to pbclnew.dll
    [11.26.2011 08:37:42] File already exists: htm\lc002110.htm
    [11.26.2011 08:37:43] htm\lc002110.htm successfully converted to dll\lc002110.dll
    [11.26.2011 08:37:43] Removed dll\lc002110.dll - not needed
    [11.26.2011 08:37:43] File already exists: htm\mc002110.htm
    [11.26.2011 08:37:43] htm\mc002110.htm successfully converted to dll\mc002110.dll
    [11.26.2011 08:37:43] Removed dll\mc002110.dll - not needed
    [11.26.2011 08:37:43] pbclnew.dll copied to pbclsnew.dll


    Pro: Simple to use, toss into game's /pb and run
    Con(?): not sure if this is sufficient to update an out-of-the-box pb_client installation into latest. it should although. does not work with empty /pb

  12. part 1: not our problem as we are not cheater-friendly. So rather ask at the source of the problem (cheater-friendly communities) than here :P


    part 2: old news click.


    That is what/all/the_user-group cheaters get here: click


    ... His forum account is suspended until 2020 :)


    *Benway adjusts* we are not that lenient ^_^

    take it from me, there is nothing of any value he could tell, he's dull as a cheese sandwich.

    As he didn't get the streaming-hack thingy quite right at the time, he kept connecting to ~30 bf2142 servers with new guid each time + same outdated hack to receive 30 bans, none took the time to explain him what a released violation (with bygone delay) is ... "fake" with same IP, 0rly? bunny was not impressed

    btw these bans are all valid (to certain idiots: change GUID by changing a single registry.reg value + restart + reconnect is no fake) even though the cited "anti-cheat"-community still comes up with these as "fake bans". Apparently they have no clue what that is, otherwise they had initiated countermeasures against the spam off untrustworthy sources (habitual cheaters streaming servers for instance, you get the idea, right?) they still keep releasing themselves.




  13. by the looks this just frees system resources (never tried, i prefer taskmgr.exe ;P) and doesn't fiddle around with network traffic (


    Game Booster 3 is compatible with PunkBuster, Cheating-Death, VAC, and any other anti-cheat software.


    indicates devs rather know what they are doing.

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