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Posts posted by Benway

  1. I posted in the wrong thread. But yeah I guess i'll continue it here instead of double posting in two areas.

    we can fix that, just go on here B)


    left this in SGA private areas though ('Streaming Related Qs and Troubleshooting' is public-visible) as, errm, honestly you should read disclaimers.


    update: Removed private information like phone numbers etc. from post #1 and moved topic to said forum visible to Members - thread "starter" has no streaming server left atpt, thus might be auto downgraded

  2. Allgemeines Greeting (für alle):


    http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php edit_button.png(Modify Server)


    letzter Absatz:

    [ Join Greeting ]


    ^1Welcome ^4$CURRENT_NICK ^1to (... was auch immer) 

    [save Join Greeting]


    $CURRENT_NICK ... gegenwärtig benutzter /name , $Variable nur in Großbuchstaben!





    Für eine bestimmte GUID:



    [Manage Personal Greetings]


    GUID, Bezeichnung, Game und spezielles Greeting ausfüllen und [x]Enable Greeting

    [save Greeting]


    Außerdem muß für jeden Server http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php edit_button.png(Modify Server)



    [x] Allow Personal Greetings


    flag gesetzt werden, damit GUID-basierte Greetings (von allen Teams, die GUIDs/Greetings definiert haben) freigegeben sind.

  3. Problem a.) GUID authentication: this is what the PunkBuster MasterServers are required for.

    So the problem is rather if 1. client will be a allowed to connect to a server 2. the pb server log will show a guid that is valid*

    rather than if pb server and client will communicate (e.g. pbss requests).

    PB MasterServers are still online and my guess is, they will stay as long BFV or even BF2 is around.


    Problem b.) Gamespy MasterServer does the ingame browser, so noobs (and statwhores) will need it ;P

    imo won't happen they go offline as long there are BF-Series servers (see BF2 master servers http://d3.jpn.org/wiki/GyaASE:Master_Servers .:dead link)


    * As a last resort servers could run as LAN servers pb_sv_gameauth 0 ... in result any valid or invalid guid would be allowed to connect.


    PunkBuster for Battlefield 1942, at this time, only works properly when the BF1942 Server is set up to authenticate players with the Internet-based BF1942 global auth system.

    However admins can set the pb_sv_gameauth setting to 0 to tell PB not to kick players while central Authing is disabled on Internet-based BF1942 servers.



    as stated we will continue support for BF1942 as long as ... it makes sense.





    on a personal note: Proof once and forever: why newer doesn't mean better, go figure the difference between Sound and Noise tongue.gif

    enemy forces spotted, orly

  4. likely some company wants to sell new games ... anyway, there are no new hacks for BF1942, the last cheat site coding/selling some is offline for quite a while. So there were no pb updates and will be v. likely/hopefully no need for any.


    Just keep a clean installation copy of /pb for backup wink.gif






    ^Windows 32^, would be great if somebody could upload pb-linux/server-files, pbsv.so etc.

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