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Posts posted by Benway

  1. the noted violations result from stock file checks issued by a single AA 2 server. Namely we see an unknown map- and an unknown texture- file. (unknown is all we have to say, not worth any research really)

    PBBans neither supports nor recommends stock file checks, as the resulting violations (kicks not bans) are arbitrary. The reasons for the resulting kicks are various, mainly Version issues (e.g. server runs an older/newer patch/mod-version than client), some server checks were unreliable, untested or even experimental ex.: "under development use at your own risk" .vs. this one is corrupt: missing/empty "" Version-Variable will raise random kicks - you note the different file signatures.


    PBBans MPi used to list negligible violations as well prior to 2008, as at that time admins usually knew how to rate these, typically: "not cheat related".


    The only problem i see here are server admins that have no idea what they are talking about.


    PBBans.com is a punkbuster support site, no game support site.

    PBBans.com does not hold or maintain players's "accounts" in any shape or form.

    Who sees a player, an "account" when looking at an MPI search-result and identifies linked (by IP) GUIDs as "same person" gives active proof he is an idiot.


    MPi database will not be touched or altered. Not even to fix stupid.



    Feel free to quote this topic or reply elsewhere (preferably in full incl. the deserved abuse ;P)

    • Upvote 1
  2. ** As meanwhile EB master servers are offline for most legacy games, this will not work anymore **

    ---> use the game specific download of /pb


    I already download the "legacy" files but dont know what to do with after decompression.

    new version (all informations inside) ---> DL section


    PBSetup for legacy games

    AA2, BF1942, cysis, cysis wars, D3, ET, FFOW, FC2, q3, Q4, ETQW, MoHA, NfSPS, Prey, RtCW, RSR6, RSV, RSV2, SoF2, Wolf, Warock

    This is a workaround to install the latest punkbuster update released for games with discontinued PunkBuster support

    using the original tools and update resources released by http://www.evenbalance.com 2002-2011.



    Extract the archive to any folder, change directory to the new folder (double-click folder_icon.gifpbsetup+legacy)

    From there run pbsetup. Add the legacy game and the proper Game_Path (not! /pb), that is: where the Game.exe is.

    To check the Game_Path just ALT+Return the Windows-Shortcut to the Game [copy+paste the 2nd line's "Execute in:" Value].

    Then run menu item 'check for updates' and pbsetup will download the latest pb-update (*) to the proper /pb location(s).



    pbsetup will download a new pbgame.htm without legacy games each time when it is run. Thus it is recommended to unpack the archive again from scratch if needed.



    This is a workaround to install the latest punkbuster update released for games with discontinued punkbuster support

    using the original tools and update resources released by http://www.evenbalance.com 2002-2011.

    No fixes, updates or support will be delivered, this workaround is delivered as is.

    (*) No warranty is given if or how long the download resources used to pb-update the listed games will stay available online.

    ** attachment removed (see caption) **

    • Upvote 1
  3. Now we see a clean record. GJ.


    Data generated on April 12, 2012 at 3:41 pm

    GUID e63bada1

    Game Battlefield 2

    Bans clean

    Global Ban Not globally banned


    Player History


    First Seen Apr 12, 2012 at 2:26 pm

    Server -|TBG|- (

    Player IP 50.43.*.* us.gif

    Alias sammydog...*


    Last Seen Apr 12, 2012 at 2:43 pm

    Server -|TBG|- (

    Player IP 50.43.*.* us.gif

    Alias sammydog...*


    as opposed to yesterday


    GUID ac6423e7

    Game Battlefield 2

    Bans PBBans

    Global Ban Globally banned by Even Balance


    Player History


    First Seen Jan 07, 2007 at 12:25 pm

    Server BFROE (

    Player IP 190.80.*.130 do.gif (Dom Rep)

    Alias cachimba_1


    Last Seen Apr 11, 2012 at 6:44 pm

    Server [sBF] (

    Player IP 50.43.*.* us.gif

    Alias Sammydog...*


    As i said i have no idea how origin sells BF2 keys, just, i can not imagine it was anything completely new that is not backward compatible to old BF2 Reg-key, most likely it is just an encrypted Reg-key - like the copies sold on Steam use. We are used to BF2 players building myths around their flimsy "accounts", as if they would mean anything :P

  4. When I installed with my new key and I logged in with Sammydog419 they banned the key right away.


    Nonsense. To put it straight, you are up a wrong road with that assumption. As long as you have a clean key in your windows registry you are good to go. Regardless of any EA/origin mumbo-jumbo. Now you have a dirty key in your windows registry, that was already banned by Punkbuster before you "logged in" the first time after 3-5 years and nothing (no useless login or name) will change that fact.

    With a clean key/guid in your windows registry you can use any "name", incl. all that were seen with -- Note the phrasing, Not: are banned; PB ignores names, that is arbitrary information -- past cheat-bans. The leaked key you used (and still use) is globally banned by Evenbalance.com (out of business on all pb-enabled servers, forever, period). Punkbuster genarates a GUID from the said registry key. Names, soliders or so called ea/origin accounts will not change a key=guid / are entirely meaningless, misleading, a customer wash off.


    Bottomline you need a new clean key (= copy of the game). You have none. What you have is a banned key (in action) and a refunded one (inactive, and never was active, see:) Regarding game: BF2 we have no records of you but with the leaked key, that is the only key you were seen with on streaming BF2 servers. So this thread is pointless until you had a clean key, bottomline.


    If you doubt that, export the registry key (1)

    1. before you uninstall

    2. after uninstall (emtpy?)

    3. after a clean install (new value?) - quit and check the key before you login ofc ... just to make sure

    4. after login (any changes?)

    5. change login (any changes?)


    You can setup punkbuster client logging http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-clientlog.html#setuplogging to cross check that the pb-guid corresponds with the Reg-key in action.




    - Run Regedit.exe

    - locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2

    - right click - Export (NT4.reg / *.txt is readable with notepad, otherwise try wordpad.exe or any free (hex-) editor)


    ---> Keep the clean BF2key.reg as a Backup

    • Upvote 1
  5. i dunno how Origin generates 'CD'-keys. Likely you had to do a clean install incl. uninstalling the old version. The key for online MP servers (==> punkbuster GUID) is stored here HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\ergc .


    BF2 ingame logins are a wash off, i can login with an empty key (renamed registry key) and can run local servers back and forth, as soon as pb kicks in online its crash to desktop. and i have a Steam copy.

  6. Though i don't do steaming requirements support *, i see no objections.


    All other streaming requirements left aside (e.g.: no duplicate forum-User-accounts ;P), the answer is: YES.


    You used a leaked GUID (Oct 16, 2008 - Feb 03, 2009) cod4 b570b929 that was already banned (2007), and was used to cheat again (Mar 31, 2009) after you quit using it - your legit GUID b86fe45e was logged from Feb 17, 2009 onwards.


    So all i can see so far is a typical 'leaked key / keygen' issue, no proven cheating history.

    Two out of 124 User IPs that used this leaked key cheated, MPi's Guid- and IP- History functions show you were none of them.




    * some quotes from those who do:


    Are we talking COD4 GUID? If so, if you tried to play on a streaming server with that now you'd find the GUID is banned: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-b570b929-vb50380.html


    As you can see the GUID itself has been used in various countries. When did you acquire this GUID?



    My new one is: b86fe45e


    I got the old GUID like a few years ago through a key generator, I never should have done that as someone got it banned



    The ban was triggered from a UK based IP, you're not in the UK so there shouldn't be an issue there.


    Are you planning to stream many servers? If so will you have a number of admins or just yourself?


    ID: 169718

    Name: TheCr0w

    Game Played: Call of Duty 4

    Want to Stream to PBBans?: Yes

    Are you a Server Admin?: Yes


    Registered: Aug 10, 2011 - 06:39 AM


    his GUID:



    used leaked&banned key:




    and another one initiated by yourself:



    • Upvote 1
  7. According to PBBans Master Player index (MPi), collected from all streamed punkbuster-server log data, the leaked GUID http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-b570b929-vb50380.html ,


    cod4 b570b929



    was used from your current IP, Host: ip51cff8ae.direct-adsl.nl , ISP: KPN/Planet-Technologies; Geo-Loc.: Utrecht/Amsterdam (NL)




    =TWF=Mark - Feb 03, 2009

    =TWF=Mark - Jan 23, 2009

    =TWF=Mark - Oct 16, 2008


    source: PBBans MPi GUID-History & PBBans MPi IP-History - No name searches




    Now the cheat related violations (2) raised for this GUID, cod4 b570b929 , were seen from IPs:


    1. Mar 31, 2009: Violation MultiHack #79495:

    Eias Host: bzq-79-183-229-104.red.bezeqint.net , ISP: Bezeq International-Ltd; Geo-Loc.: spamlem (IL)


    2. Dec 27, 2007: Violation MD5Tool #9002:

    =ST6=TheAvenger Host: cpc1-finc8-0-0-cust217.4-2.cable.virginmedia.com , ISP: Virgin Media; Geo-Loc.: London (UK)


    source: PBBans MBi & PBBans MPi; http://www.ip-adress.com



    Cut short: i see no match between I. and II.



    So did the proficient league admins, don't they: http://www.eurodomination.net/user.php?userID=20478

    • Upvote 1
  8. Explain why: some AHK scripts used to cheat in BF3 are complilados. Exe.


    We have setup our own workaround.

    On policy, information about cheat detection methods we use is private to Streaming Admins, sorry.


    No comment in public forums.



    P.S.: old news.

  9. i did some research at the time about the the bright green models / glow effect, case your about this, your up a wrong end with cvarunlockers. All that is required is the game console. Its a combination of veil and two game cvars.

    It is glitching / a game exploit and there is no fix.


    pb_sv_cvar r_*** IN 1

    ... is still exploitable, so it 'almost' works and there is nothing better (restricting the second cvar involved in the glitch is no use).

    i will not repost any details in public forums.


    This thread will be wiped within 1 week (hello Google)



    • Upvote 1
  10. No point for phantom limb pain about our 'for SA use only' policy really,

    i own this game and i hardly supported it - which means quite a few things, amongst others: it was dead on release.

    In other words: You do not miss much, there is one (almost working) cvar restriction and two outdated md5tool checks for pb detected cheats, there are no new cheats around as hack coders are just as uninterested as online-players. We did no updates since ~1/2 year after release date. There will be no new researches.

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