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Posts posted by Benway

  1. Never gave my key to anyone nor did my teammates. I'd like to have a screenshot or whatever as a proof.


    Oh, das würde ich lieber bleiben lassen - Aber wenns denn so alarmistisch gewünscht wird(1), bittesehr:

    Image1.jpg Image2.jpg

    siehe https://www.pbbans.com/mbi-view-ban-112988.html  Soviel zum Thema: FAQ wie es nicht geht.


    Das reicht mir dafür, jegliches Interesse zu verlieren. Weil, das war mein per Zufall gegriffener erster Rechercheansatz, und es gibt noch so ca. 5-8 weitere, aber ich habe wirklich besseres zu tun  ... Daß der Accounts Staff hier (bin ich - zum Glück - nicht mehr) weiß, was er tut, ist mir ohnehin mehr als nur geläufig.


    Solcherlei Information gibt es hier nicht für Kreti & Pleti, und das aus guten Grund, weil das Meme von der sogenannten Transparenz macht nichts als unnütze Arbeit, Vorträge über die sinnvolle Interpretation komplexer Daten führen zu nichts, wenn jeder nur sein Vorurteil bestätigen möchte. @Leute die keinen Plan haben wovon sie reden.

    Irgendwelche Dampfplauderer, die nur Bohai mit Gemeinplätzen machen, sind da wesentlich besser bedient mit: Wie wärs mit erwachsen werden? (und uns spart das verschwendete Lebenszeit)



    (1) Also dann noch Viel Spass mit dem öffentlichen Post hier in Zukunft.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I put the config file from here in through the FTP. How does it start streaming?

    Can you restart the server? (target: A server init will (should) load uploaded configs)



    I don't have any RCON tool, I've looked but don't understand how they work ...

    pb_sv_restart apparently prefixed by AdminPBExec

    [ console:        AdminPBExec pb_sv_restart

      or/better        AdminPBExec pb_sv_load pbsv.cfg     ];

    but AA4 is not too well documented [ AdminPBExec is AA3 syntax, and that already tried to use some sort of "pb player-power ;P" in form of pv_sv_rcon (activated via uploaded config!) to circumvent the poor pb integration ] , but with your remark its a oh well anyway.


    As for the (game-)port, we see all currently streaming aapg servers on :7778



    PS: checkout this ...


    I got in a hurry this morning and didn't have time to restart the server. You were right, Mr. Sunshine, the correct  join port is 7778   rcon port is 8777. I have since changed it on my streaming application. The correct files are now on the server (I think) and it has been restarted. Should be good to stream. If it's not, I am going to shoot myself and we wont need to worry about it any more.

    Thanks, Mark

    ... fixed/streaming now

    • Upvote 1
  3. The guid you posted is invalid (see https://www.pbbans.com/mbi-search.html )


    What game?


    Certain games' guids are based on Steam-ID (e.g. RO2), thus they start with 15*zero - or put the other way round, these are factual 17-guids, filled with 000000000000000 to meet PB's standards.



    for Cod4, i'd call spoof - cod is overall broken, hacked, full of flaws and exploits ... and lacks any Support;

    i have no idea what cod4-Steam (that would explain)  uses, though.

    • Upvote 1
  4. fixes for both flavors ...


    get: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3035583 

    get rid of: http://answers.microsoft.com/forums/i-DONT-want-windows-10-How-do-i-get-rid-of-annoying-reserve-upgrade-notifications...

    ...and never get again: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3080351



    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    ... or run w7 Enterprise :P (see KB3080351)



  5. i would laugh if it wasn't that sad ... what a telling euphemism to call lives streamlined for market needs 'normal family lives' (Naturalism & Biologism, two Subdivisions of Social Darwinism, its mercantile implementation was named enterprise economy). Mental enfeeblement rocks!
    Only those who would not have to accept any alternatives at all would be free, and in the existent it is a trace of freedom, to reject them.
    Theodor W. Adorno, Negative Dialectics

  6. same violation was triggered for some legal software interfering with punkbuster

    So, put information forward what "some" is supposed to be. Guesswork will lead you nowhere.


    We saw few topics where somebody finally came up with something worth to check into PSlist/SVClist/DRVlist after the inevitable and as always entirely arbitrary Ban-/Player-/mymotherscooking- STATS.

    Obviously these topics were a one-off, this topic stays useless.

  7. update :

    VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) #80763 bans are now removed for MOH and MOHW as well.

    We received confirmation the violation was removed from EBs master servers and advice to grant the benefit of doubt.

    32 MOHW, 9 MOH Bans have been removed from the MBi.
    4 MOHW, 1 MOH Ban(s) have been removed from UMBi.

    • Upvote 1
  8. ... not. *facepalm* yet another *whine* and run away topic. No? Upload your mac-games/pb/*.* ând post them here. (Nobody has a mac here. We are not Punkbuster. Punkbuster ended support years ago and will kindly f* you off now.)


    General remarks:

    • /pb_security 0 (enables pb-update downloads from game-servers)


    • All you need for a manual pb-update is: The current pbsetup GUi-binary (for any OS) plus an old pbgame.htm that contains the desired discontinued game.


    • An alternative for old games, and often the simplest one, is to run the old pb console-application ( under windows: "pbweb.exe" ) from the Game's /pb -subfolder (and searching for pbcl.dll/pbsv.so/pbsv.mac aint no rocket-science). Downside: pbweb will quit with '**ERROR: No PunkBuster files found' if no or no valid pb-files are present in /pb.


    [09.15.2014 22:45:45] PBWEB v2.2
    [09.15.2014 22:45:45] This program is (C) Copyright 2002-2005 by Even Balance, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
    [09.15.2014 22:45:45] pbweb must be launched from the home "pb" folder where the game is installed.
    If launched from another location, pbweb will not be able to update PunkBuster.
    [09.15.2014 22:45:45] If you experience a problem with this program, please visit our support center
    at http://www.evenbalance.com.
    [09.15.2014 22:45:45] Starting pbweb to check for PunkBuster updates via world wide web
    [09.15.2014 22:45:45] Initializing ... (please wait - ctrl+c to cancel)
    [09.15.2014 22:47:45] Resolving www.evenbalance.com
    [09.15.2014 22:47:45] Resolved to
    [09.15.2014 22:47:45] Checking for PB Client updates
    [09.15.2014 22:47:45] Game: sof2
    [09.15.2014 22:47:45] Attempting to download pbsec.htm (please wait)
    [09.15.2014 22:47:53] Received File pbsec.htm (1416 bytes)
    [09.15.2014 22:47:53] File already exists: htm\wa001363.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:53] htm\wa001363.htm successfully converted to dll\wa001363.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:53] File already exists: htm\wc002152.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:53] htm\wc002152.htm successfully converted to dll\wc002152.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:53] dll\wc002152.dll copied to pbclnew.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:53] Checking for PB Server updates
    [09.15.2014 22:47:53] Game: sof2
    [09.15.2014 22:47:53] Attempting to download pbsecsv.htm (please wait)
    [09.15.2014 22:47:58] Received File pbsecsv.htm (1416 bytes)
    [09.15.2014 22:47:58] File already exists: htm\ws001728.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:58] htm\ws001728.htm successfully converted to dll\ws001728.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:58] dll\ws001728.dll copied to pbsvnew.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:58] File already exists: htm\wa001363.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:58] htm\wa001363.htm successfully converted to dll\wa001363.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:58] File already exists: htm\la001363.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:58] htm\la001363.htm successfully converted to dll\la001363.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:58] Removed dll\la001363.dll - not needed
    [09.15.2014 22:47:58] File already exists: htm\ma001363.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:58] htm\ma001363.htm successfully converted to dll\ma001363.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:58] Removed dll\ma001363.dll - not needed
    [09.15.2014 22:47:59] File already exists: htm\wc002152.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:59] htm\wc002152.htm successfully converted to dll\wc002152.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:59] dll\wc002152.dll copied to pbclnew.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:59] File already exists: htm\lc002152.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:59] htm\lc002152.htm successfully converted to dll\lc002152.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:59] Removed dll\lc002152.dll - not needed
    [09.15.2014 22:47:59] File already exists: htm\mc002152.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:59] htm\mc002152.htm successfully converted to dll\mc002152.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:59] Removed dll\mc002152.dll - not needed
    [09.15.2014 22:47:59] pbclnew.dll copied to pbclsnew.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:20] PBWEB v2.2
    [09.15.2014 22:47:20] This program is (C) Copyright 2002-2005 by Even Balance, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
    [09.15.2014 22:47:20] pbweb must be launched from the home "pb" folder where the game is installed.
    If launched from another location, pbweb will not be able to update PunkBuster.
    [09.15.2014 22:47:20] If you experience a problem with this program, please visit our support center
    at http://www.evenbalance.com.
    [09.15.2014 22:47:20] Starting pbweb to check for PunkBuster updates via world wide web
    [09.15.2014 22:47:20] Initializing ... (please wait - ctrl+c to cancel)
    [09.15.2014 22:47:20] Resolving www.evenbalance.com
    [09.15.2014 22:47:20] Resolved to
    [09.15.2014 22:47:20] Checking for PB Client updates
    [09.15.2014 22:47:20] Game: q3a
    [09.15.2014 22:47:20] Attempting to download pbsec.htm (please wait)
    [09.15.2014 22:47:25] Received File pbsec.htm (1396 bytes)
    [09.15.2014 22:47:25] File already exists: htm\wa001353.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:25] htm\wa001353.htm successfully converted to dll\wa001353.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:25] File already exists: htm\wc002041.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:25] htm\wc002041.htm successfully converted to dll\wc002041.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:25] dll\wc002041.dll copied to pbclnew.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:25] Checking for PB Server updates
    [09.15.2014 22:47:25] Game: q3a
    [09.15.2014 22:47:25] Attempting to download pbsecsv.htm (please wait)
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] Received File pbsecsv.htm (1396 bytes)
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] File already exists: htm\ws001641.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] htm\ws001641.htm successfully converted to dll\ws001641.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] dll\ws001641.dll copied to pbsvnew.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] File already exists: htm\wa001353.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] htm\wa001353.htm successfully converted to dll\wa001353.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] File already exists: htm\la001353.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] htm\la001353.htm successfully converted to dll\la001353.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] Removed dll\la001353.dll - not needed
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] File already exists: htm\ma001353.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] htm\ma001353.htm successfully converted to dll\ma001353.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] Removed dll\ma001353.dll - not needed
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] File already exists: htm\wc002041.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] htm\wc002041.htm successfully converted to dll\wc002041.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] dll\wc002041.dll copied to pbclnew.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] File already exists: htm\lc002041.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] htm\lc002041.htm successfully converted to dll\lc002041.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] Removed dll\lc002041.dll - not needed
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] File already exists: htm\mc002041.htm
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] htm\mc002041.htm successfully converted to dll\mc002041.dll
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] Removed dll\mc002041.dll - not needed
    [09.15.2014 22:47:31] pbclnew.dll copied to pbclsnew.dll
    [09.16.2014 10:36:34] PBWEB v2.2
    [09.16.2014 10:36:34] This program is (C) Copyright 2002-2005 by Even Balance, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
    [09.16.2014 10:36:34] pbweb must be launched from the home "pb" folder where the game is installed.
    If launched from another location, pbweb will not be able to update PunkBuster.
    [09.16.2014 10:36:34] If you experience a problem with this program, please visit our support center
    at http://www.evenbalance.com.
    [09.16.2014 10:36:34] Starting pbweb to check for PunkBuster updates via world wide web
    [09.16.2014 10:36:34] Initializing ... (please wait - ctrl+c to cancel)
    [09.16.2014 10:38:34] Resolving www.evenbalance.com
    [09.16.2014 10:38:34] Resolved to
    [09.16.2014 10:38:34] Checking for PB Client updates
    [09.16.2014 10:38:34] Game: doom3
    [09.16.2014 10:38:34] Attempting to download pbsec.htm (please wait)
    [09.16.2014 10:38:42] Received File pbsec.htm (1423 bytes)
    [09.16.2014 10:38:42] File already exists: htm\wa001308.htm
    [09.16.2014 10:38:42] htm\wa001308.htm successfully converted to dll\wa001308.dll
    [09.16.2014 10:38:42] File already exists: htm\wc001201.htm
    [09.16.2014 10:38:42] htm\wc001201.htm successfully converted to dll\wc001201.dll
    [09.16.2014 10:38:42] dll\wc001201.dll copied to pbclnew.dll
    [09.16.2014 10:38:42] Checking for PB Server updates
    [09.16.2014 10:38:42] Game: doom3
    [09.16.2014 10:38:42] Attempting to download pbsecsv.htm (please wait)
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] Received File pbsecsv.htm (1423 bytes)
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] File already exists: htm\ws001744.htm
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] htm\ws001744.htm successfully converted to dll\ws001744.dll
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] dll\ws001744.dll copied to pbsvnew.dll
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] File already exists: htm\wa001308.htm
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] htm\wa001308.htm successfully converted to dll\wa001308.dll
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] File already exists: htm\la001308.htm
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] htm\la001308.htm successfully converted to dll\la001308.dll
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] Removed dll\la001308.dll - not needed
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] File already exists: htm\ma001308.htm
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] htm\ma001308.htm successfully converted to dll\ma001308.dll
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] Removed dll\ma001308.dll - not needed
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] File already exists: htm\wc001201.htm
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] htm\wc001201.htm successfully converted to dll\wc001201.dll
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] dll\wc001201.dll copied to pbclnew.dll
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] File already exists: htm\lc001201.htm
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] htm\lc001201.htm successfully converted to dll\lc001201.dll
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] Removed dll\lc001201.dll - not needed
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] File already exists: htm\mc001201.htm
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] htm\mc001201.htm successfully converted to dll\mc001201.dll
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] Removed dll\mc001201.dll - not needed
    [09.16.2014 10:38:48] pbclnew.dll copied to pbclsnew.dll


    google ddg is your friend section:


    PBSetup Mac Version 2.8.12 (2008(?)): pbsetup_32.dmg.bz2 http://mac.softpedia.com/progScreenshots/PBSetup-Screenshot-37613.html


    Just in case someone needs pb-mac for MoHPA, JOTR, "Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising" or "Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow", try this one:





    supported games (taken from the included  pbsetup.tar\pbsetup.run.app\Contents\MacOS \ *pbgame.htm* )

    game aao "America's Army"

    game bf1942 "Battlefield 1942"

    game bf2 "Battlefield 2"

    game bfv "Battlefield Vietnam"

    game cod "Call of Duty"

    game doom3 "DOOM3"

    game et "Enemy Territory"

    game farcry "Far Cry"

    game jotr "Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising"

    game mohpa "Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault"

    game q3a "Quake 3 Arena"

    game rvs "Ravenshield"

    game rtcw "Return to Castle Wolfenstein"

    game sof2 "Soldier of Fortune II"

    game scpt "Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow"


    Oh it "doesn't work"? Save the pbgame.htm to replace the newly downloaded pbsetup v.3.8 one.



    pbsetup_mac.zip*end ddg is your friend section*


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