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Everything posted by siskin

  1. congrats merlintime - nice to have you in the thick of things :D

  2. This does not explain your problem with the original forum account. However I believe you are being assisted by an admin regarding your second post so I will close this thread for now. If you have further questions regarding the original post contact me and I will re-open the thread. @(*0*)@
  3. I have searched and can not see any previous requests for information about this - maybe you could show a link. Do you have a link to your previous member account page? We do have an Outlaw that is a banned member - this will happen when members make duplicate accounts. In cases where you can not log in to your account always use the reset password option rather than making a new account - any duplicate accounts are banned as a matter of course. @(*0*)@
  4. yo !! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, HAPPY BIRFDAY dear Blacky!!!! Happy Birthday to you :D ( PBBans Choral society )

  5. You are a user on that team account - is the server listed there yours or theirs ? Is the clan tag theirs or yours? Will they be applying for a new account or should you? These are the questions that need answering. @(*0*)@
  6. We would need some information to help us identify the servers and users you are talking about please. At the moment you are a member of the team account 6482 which is not streaming. The team belongs to The HoBo Clan. Are you asking for nickomac and B.P.DRIESSEN to be removed? If so please get nickomac to post here and explain what it is exactly that needs changing. Cheers @(*0*)@
  7. It worked :) Welcome to PBBans, Have a look around at the SGA forums available to you now and read the stickies when you get time - A lot of good information is in the stickies. Enjoy :D @(*0*)@
  8. It can take a couple of hours for the automated system to upgrade you sometimes - I have done it manually so all should be sorted now. welcome back :) @(*0*)@
  9. lol.. neither can I - 16/25 and ran out of time before reloading :( I hope the training isnt the same or I will be toast :lol:
  10. The server you play on needs to add a personal message through their account. If you would like a personal message I suggest you contact the Admin of that particular server. Cheers @(*0*)@
  11. http://www.goarmy.com/downloads/target_game.jsp enjoy some target practice :) @(*0*)@
  12. *************************************************************** Team: Hell Bound Soldiers (HBS) Account ID: 739 Streaming Status: Streaming (5 / 6) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD2 - (Streaming) COD4 - (Streaming) COD4 - COD2 - (Streaming) COD - (Streaming) COD4 - (Streaming) --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- SunShine1121 (124382) RazorEdge (123887) HBSGoose (135282) This is the account information we have at the moment. Contact Sunshine1121 to be added to the account. At the moment though Hell Bound Soldiers appear to have 5 HBS tagged and healthy servers streaming. @(*0*)@
  13. give me a pm with all of your contact details and I will find you and we can sort this out :) It is nearly 2 am here and I have appointments in the am so apologies now for any delay in getting to you but I will get back to you and we will have this sorted ASAP :) If you were streaming before I am sure we can do it again ;) talk soon @(*0*)@
  14. *************************************************************** Team: Reigner par la Force (-=R.p.F=-) Account ID: 3061 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- BF2142 - (Streaming) --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- scorpion3356 (118863)
  15. No details as yet to its release but I would say the beta's are having a great time already ;) just as a teaser here are some screen captures all in the same place. http://news.bigdownload.com/photos/americas-army-3 detail looks good :D and an article from the same site http://news.bigdownload.com/2009/01/20/ame...sign-ups-begin/ @(*0*)@
  16. This page have what you need? http://www.pbbans.com/links.php I hope thats what you are after - if not someone will be able to help soon :) @(*0*)@
  17. whoah !! hehe .. takes a little while for the system to update automatically. I did it manually for you - everything should be fine now. *************************************************************** Team: UNDADOGZ () Account ID: 5946 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - (Streaming) --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- PainUDZ (115324) welcome back @(*0*)@
  18. You have used the Automated Setup tool? click me for automated setup Or the Not Streaming Fix If either of those two dont work then visit us on IRC and we will see if we can sort it out. @(*0*)@
  19. Sorrow may be felt when one feels pity for someone else - it is not always remorse for wrong doing. I felt pity that you were suffering due to a policy of ours. I said it as I meant it sincerely. If you feel my sorrow was not sincere then that is up to you. The policy has been explained to you and cost has nothing to do with it. As Roadwarrior has pointed out; everyone else here that streams has had to shell out for a server, some of us are able to afford it and other find it a struggle but they manage to do so as they wish to have a fair game. If you feel you cannot afford to colocate at this time then perhaps you just need to build your clan up and once it is large enough clan contributions can pay for the server costs. Then you will be welcome to apply to stream. In the mean time I dont see anything productive coming from further discussion and to avoid insulting anyone will close the topic. @(*0*)@
  20. It is cleary stated in our ToS that we will only consider streaming from a dedicated server. For the purposes of streaming a dedicated server is defined as one that is hosted at a datacentre and is dedicated to gaming. You may class the server as dedicated but to us it is a personal pc with the ability for you to play from it and run personal applications. I am sorry but your denial will not be overturned. If you decide to rent a dedicated server at a datacentre then please feel free to reapply as RoadWarrior suggested. Cheers @(*0*)@
  21. As per our ToS PBBans require a website that has a viewable and current clan roster or link to a current roster. General information regarding the team servers such as IP name and game. It is also desirable to have a rule set which outlines what is required of players on your server and a forum where team members discussions are held. TWL does not constitute a team website as a TWL team can consist of members from any clan and the team may be dissolved at the end of a match season. PBBans and its members take pride in what we do here and we are certainly proud of the fair and decent members we have streaming to us. A team website lets us know that you are serious about your team and tags and that you take pride in them. @(*0*)@
  22. From the thread you have linked On all servers where name protection is activated then yes you are protected. Point 2 above explains what to do in the case where a server does not use tag protection and your name is spoofed. Cheers @(*0*)@
  23. It is also best to make a new topic .. but all is sorted now - SGA status restored alb3rt0 :) @(*0*)@
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