Sorrow may be felt when one feels pity for someone else - it is not always remorse for wrong doing. I felt pity that you were suffering due to a policy of ours. I said it as I meant it sincerely. If you feel my sorrow was not sincere then that is up to you.
The policy has been explained to you and cost has nothing to do with it. As Roadwarrior has pointed out; everyone else here that streams has had to shell out for a server, some of us are able to afford it and other find it a struggle but they manage to do so as they wish to have a fair game.
If you feel you cannot afford to colocate at this time then perhaps you just need to build your clan up and once it is large enough clan contributions can pay for the server costs. Then you will be welcome to apply to stream.
In the mean time I dont see anything productive coming from further discussion and to avoid insulting anyone will close the topic.