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Everything posted by DaLynX

  1. Du calme, on ne vous en veux pas personnellement. Presque tout ici se passe de fa
  2. C'est probablement d
  3. Ton / tes serveurs ont peut-
  4. C'est
  5. Puisque tu es SGA je pense que le probl
  6. Pour obtenir un compte de streaming chez nous (un Team Account), il faut que le site de votre clan pr
  7. Your server IP ( was found on our MPI. We do not accept home servers. Please rent a server from a professional hosting provider if you want to use our services. Apply again when you have the new IP. -> http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php -- Google Translation : Ваш IP-адрес сервера ( была найдена на нашем MPI. Мы не принимаем домашних серверов. Пожалуйста, аренда сервера от профессиональных хостинг-провайдера, если вы хотите воспользоваться нашими услугами. Применить раз, когда вы имеете новый сервер IP. -> http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php ---
  8. On va voir ce que l'on peut faire. Nous allons
  9. Il faut suivre la proc
  10. Ce fichier de log est plut
  11. Nous ne toucherons pas aux donn
  12. C'est bien cette IP l
  13. Ce type de video ne constitue en rien une preuve. Les preuves accept
  14. UCON allows multiple connections. So if log forwarding is not available for the community you want to stream to, just follow their streaming setup. Then send this RCON command to your server : pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbanshub pbbanshub If the other site you're trying to stream to does not use UCON, but Repository streaming (that is with the pbsvlog.cfg file) Just use our default config files from the streaming setup guide. Then overwrite the pbsvlog.cfg file on your server by the one given by the other streaming website.
  15. Javeldelacroix est l'utilisateur principal du compte, demande lui de te retirer.
  16. I removed the server from the =[OS]= team account. You can try again to add it to yours now.
  17. Si tu veux poser une question aux fran
  18. Il faut aller l
  19. The MPI lists all aliases used by one chosen GUID everytime it was seen on a streaming server. PBBans SGAs (Streaming Game Admins - people that stream to us) have a private access to MPI that allows them to search for clean GUIDs, and to see which aliases were used by which GUIDs.
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