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Everything posted by DaLynX

  1. Hackers tenez vous bien, Cybersonic est dans la place. ^^ Merci pour cette petite enqu
  2. Pour ajouter un serveur, il faut cliquer sur AccCP (en haut de ce forum) puis Server Management (menu de gauche) puis Add Server (bouton). J'ai mis
  3. Salut, Normalement c'est dans le dossier BF2/pb, mais avec un mod je ne sais pas vraiment comment c'est sens
  4. DaLynX


    Several reasons on that ban : a cheat-related CVAR was found in his config, a cheat file was found on his computer. Well he can try the Appeal This Ban button but I don't think he has a chance in getting the ban lifted.
  5. C'est s
  6. Personnellement je n'en sais rien. Le mieux serait de faire des tests, pour voir si cette restriction ne ralentit pas les serveurs.
  7. Hola. Aqui esta la razon porque no fue acceptada tu solicitud de cuenta de streaming. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=78405 Se necessita una direcci
  8. Oui, il faut faire application
  9. Tapes l'adresse de ton serveur ici : http://www.pbbans.com/msi.php Server is streaming = le serveur stream, tout semble fonctionner correctement. Sinon, retour
  10. Le ban a
  11. Are you sure these are not just "announced" bans ? When you check the Announce New Bans option in your Team Account, every new PBBans ban for your game will be announced on your server, no matter which server it comes from. These bans were not actually made on your server, that's why they are not visible in your My Bans list.
  12. We have no power over Global PB bans. Those are issued directly by EvenBalance. If you believe this ban is not valid and should be lifted, please contact them directly via their support ticket system : http://evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_t...t.php?game=cod2
  13. Thanks ! And thanks a lot to all those who trust in us. :)
  14. Salut, Bizarre cette histoire de permissions, je vais prevenir un admin. Concernant ton probl
  15. We do not allow streaming of home servers.
  16. Usually, you can get those via FTP or your GSP's server control panel. They are located in the /pb/svlogs/ subfolder of your server directory.
  17. I just checked again, server is streaming (Data Last Received time was updated). Thanks for the PBSS, I'm looking into it. Edit : My bad, I wasn't looking at the right server, somehow I clicked on your CoDWaW server :P Concerning your issue, I cannot find the connection log for 42106515b5ade37ff33f4f03294b564b. I suspect streaming was lost, then the guy joined, then streaming kicked back up, but as Enforce Bans only applies during the connection process, once the guy was connected to your server he was able to stay. I will need your PB server logs to confirm that.
  18. GUID 42106515b5ade37ff33f4f03294b564b was last seen on your server on Dec 17, 2008 at 10:09 am. Btw this very GUID was banned more than a week ago. So whether your server was not streaming a few minutes ago when the guy came back or he has changed GUID. But one should always keep in mind that MPI data may be a little delayed. So I'll check again in a couple of hours. Edit : Your server's MSI page shows Data Last Received 18 mins ago. If the server is not empty please check the streaming configuration and do the setup again if necessary.
  19. Happy holidays to all ! :)
  20. Le contenu du fichier pbucon.use n'a aucune importance. Ce n'est pas un fichier de configuration, juste un "verrou de s
  21. Personnellement je n'ai rien contre les autres sites anti-triche en g
  22. Just make sure you have PBBans' UCON settings in your pbsv.cfg. For the simplest setup, just user PBBans' pbsv.cfg and PsB's pbsvlog.cfg (Make sure then to set pb_sv_autoss to 1 as it is set to 0 in our default pbsv.cfg file.) You could also just redo PBBans setup using RCON. ( http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#rcon )
  23. Parfait pour le GUID. :) Comme indiqu
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