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Everything posted by DaLynX

  1. You are a streaming game admin. As your group avatar shows. Maybe you are having a little bug. It has happened to me a couple of times these days. When you login on the forums sometimes it does not log you on the main website. To check that you are properly logged in, have a look at the bottom of the left menu of the main page : http://www.pbbans.com It should state your name, or Not Logged In. If it says you're not logged in, log out of the forums and login again. That should do the trick.
  2. Just go and buy a genuine copy of the game. ;)
  3. That GUID has been used by players from over 10 different countries. If it is actually yours, it has been stolen and shared - a lot. Unless there is an error in GUID calculation that would explain that. Which is pretty unlikely.
  4. Ton compte est r
  5. Je vais me pencher sur le probl
  6. A proposito de Global Bans, tiene que hablar directamente con EvenBalance. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/ PBBans no tiene algun poder on estos baneos.
  7. Il ne parle pas des r
  8. J'ai lu quelque part que d
  9. Ca y est tu a recopi
  10. Ces fonctions sont encore
  11. No, esto es el GUID del player. El resumen MD5 se presenta de la manera siguiente : (ejemplo sacado del MBI) ->PBSV: MD5Tool ["BF2142.dll" SZ18432 AT4096 LEN32 43BC8351C7876476453A90F0352CFA70] from (slot# 19) ukkilller
  12. Hola, No puedo encontrar ningun config.ini en nuestras archivas de cheats para CoD4. Ademas, no tenemos los logs de este violacion pues no puedo verificar el resumen MD5 de este fichero. Para concluir : no hay suficiente informacion en este screen para decir si el player merece un ban.
  13. As far as I know there is no other way, no. And MPI access requires Streaming Game Admin (or higher) status, which you don't have for now.
  14. I don't think our developpers would make for no real reason an effort to set up some research API. Plus, I don't really see the point in doing what you want to do. If you want to get rid of people banned by PBBans, just use our banlist. Apply for a streaming Team Account and use our Enforce Bans flag. Then you won't have to worry about keeping the banlist up to date as your server will always be protected by the PBBans Hub.
  15. On s'en occupe l
  16. J'ai r
  17. Si c'est juste un outil pour regarder les battlerecorders je pense qu'il n'y a pas de probl
  18. Oui, assurez-vous dans ce cas que votre h
  19. Il a
  20. Mmmh est-ce que tu pourrais me donner les noms des mods que tu suspectes et
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