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Everything posted by DaLynX

  1. Bienvenue chez PBBans ! J'en profite pour te rappeler que deux de tes serveurs ne streament pas encore. Il faudrait s'assurer qu'ils sont correctement configur
  2. Afaik, GUIDs are generated from product keys, which you use to install for example.
  3. Un guide est disponible l
  4. You're right about these two things. More precisely, PunkBuster Server (the program that runs on your gameserver) has a tiny database for local bans : the pbbans.dat file. But this file works only with one gameserver. So the purpose of PBBans is to get the bans from all streaming servers into one database : the MBI. About league affiliation, RoadWarrior will handle that part. :)
  5. Vous
  6. Cela signifie que l'empreinte du fichier BF2.exe enregistr
  7. *************************************************************** Team: Team-Kazylax (-=*TK*=-) Account ID: 681 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- ET - (Streaming) --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- InboX (108997) Helpful Links: Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Not Streaming Fix Comme tu peux le voir ci dessus ton serveur stream parfaitement. (Il doit d'ailleurs
  8. :) le forum de r
  9. Le streaming ne scanne pas le chat ingame, mais seulement les information venant de PunkBuster. Concernant les screenshots je ne vois pas vraiment ce que tu cherches
  10. Yep, he should register on the forums. Then you will be able to add him to your Team Account. :)
  11. Just change the .dat extension to .xml. The data inside the file is xml-formated. ;) Lol I guess this edit means you found out by yourself. :P
  12. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php
  13. It will not be removed if it hasn't been inactive for several days. So don't worry. You'll just have to click the Activate link in your Team Account Manager ;)
  14. We need streamed information to ensure the validity of the violation. So I'm afraid it won't be possible.
  15. Looks like you solved it. Both servers are now streaming correctly : *************************************************************** Team: [FpsGc] Leagues ([FpsGc]) Account ID: 3361 Streaming Status: Streaming (2 / 2) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - (Streaming) COD4 - (Streaming) --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- FpsGc Macky (119701) Helpful Links: Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Not Streaming Fix Welcome to PBBans. :)
  16. Not always. Plus you can ban subnet masks, but you're taking the risk of banning innocent players.
  17. Hi, and welcome to PBBans You choose. While streaming at us, you have 4 ways of maintaining your banlist up to date : 1. The easiest one : the Enforce Bans flag. With this option enabled on your server, every connecting player's GUID is checked against our MBI. If he is found to be a cheater, he is immediately kicked & banned from your server. 2. Another way, still updating automatically : Accept *** Bans. (*** can mean PB, MD5 or CVAR) Everytime a player is banned for a reason you checked, his GUID will be added to your banlist. Keep in mind that you will need a first time manual banlist update if you want to have all the bans. 3. Use jPAT, our update tool, to update your banlist. 4. Manually update your banlist using FTP, RCON or UCON. These message are a result of the Announce New Bans flag. You may enable/disable them according to your personnal preference. It won't interfere with the other features. SGA access is the higher a standard server admin can get. With this status you can read & post in all the forum sections which are marked "Private". (Just try and see ;)) Np, feel free to ask for more. :P
  18. PB has to be fully implemented into the game, so that's up to the game developpers.
  19. We are no PB Staff, but PBBans Staff. (PB Staff are EvenBalance's employees) This is a client-side anticheat software. So it won't affect streaming in any way.
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