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Everything posted by DaLynX

  1. For fun and just geeky customization purpose. :P Basically, you can, it won't get you banned. But several servers run in 'pure mode' or with stock file checks. You won't be able to play on these unless you have the original files. So if you always play on the same servers, have a look and ask to the servers' admins. Or just give it a try. But remember to always keep the original files backed up somewhere, so you won't have to reinstall the game. ;)
  2. Or just download HLSW : http://www.hlsw.org/ ;)
  3. Hi ! Nope, all setup can be done via RCON if you want to : http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=hubguide#rcon
  4. Or use our servers lists to play on servers that are properly tended. :) (http://www.pbbans.com/files/msi/hlsw/pbb_cod4.sslf)
  5. Quand ton serveur streamera correctement, ce qui n'est malheureusement pas encore le cas, tu auras acc
  6. Your server is streaming just fine, using the Enforce flags to be kept cheater-free. :) Just remember to regularly update your PB config files (MD5 & CVARs), either manually, using the MCI to download them or using jPAT/PAT.
  7. Comme tu peux le constater, tout est revenu
  8. Try using PB server-side commands, such as pb_sv_plist, and probably pb_sv_banmask as I think this might require banning an IP address... But we'll need more information about all this is you want more help, so feel free to give more details if you don't manage to solve it.
  9. Yep, it just needed some time to upgrade your status after your server started streaming. Everything looks okay : http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...pid=123804& Now go and help yourself with our config files : http://www.pbbans.com/mci.php?action=viewmdl&game_id=13 And don't forget to setup your streaming flags correctly in your Team Account Manager. Welcome ;)
  10. Pour le pb_sv_restart il suffit d'attendre quelques secondes (30 suffisent
  11. Mmh did you try using this kind of link : http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=genba...t&game_id=0 Wouldn't it work ? I mean the result is the same, clientside.
  12. Je te conseille d'essayer la configuration par RCON : http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page...p;lang=fr#bf2cc (Les commandes ne renvoient rien mais c'est normal, elles marchent quand m
  13. Je t'invite
  14. Ton compte a
  15. Try to re-do the RCON setup once, and give me the output of the pb_sv_uconlist command.
  16. I'd use a pb_sv_load instead of exec command, but that's almost the same. The thing is, if the pbsv.cfg is loaded after server.cfg, it could overwrite your custom commands... What you should do is just run it via RCON, as you proposed, or via the PB WebTool. Just put your custom commands in a file, then do pb_sv_load thatfile.cfg via RCON/WebTool. If you just want to set up streaming to PBBans you can also do it only via RCON or the WebTool without touching the config files : http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=hubguide#rcon or http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=hubguide#webtool
  17. Mmmmh ouais. En fait le probl
  18. De quel type de mise
  19. http://www.pbbans.com/tos.php So I am sorry to tell you that we won't be accepting your server for streaming.
  20. Sorry but there's nothing you can do other than buy a new copy of the game.
  21. For bans, just check the Enforce Bans flag in your Team Account Manager, View Servers, Edit Flag section. For CVAR & MD5 updates, you can use the AutoUpdate flags but remember they are only at an experimental state and will only load updates in PB memory, without saving. So you will be losing updates if you restart PB/your server. The other way to do it is to use the jPAT(java PBBans Admin Tool) that you can find there : http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?aut...&showfile=8 Associated forum : http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=354
  22. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=31886 ;)
  23. This violation does not imply a ban. It's more like a PB disfunction. If it happends regularly I'd advise you to reinstall PB (PBSetup Utility) and run the pbsvc utility to check everything is working fine.
  24. I guess you mistyped the IP : (port can't be >65536) You should be able to add it without any problem. About the second one, it's okay if it doesn't run 24/7. It will stream only when active. If it's expected to be down for a long time, you can deactivate it in your Team Account Manager.
  25. 1. Nous sommes ici chez PBBans, pas PunksBusted. 2. Ce ban est bas
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