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Everything posted by DaLynX

  1. J'ai retrouv
  2. Salut, Il faut que tu ailles l
  3. Non le joueur ne sera pas banni. Si tu regardes la fa
  4. Poste le screen directement la prochaine fois... Sinon je dois dire que je ne sais pas trop... J'ai d
  5. Le plus simple
  6. Le message ban enforced signifie que le joueur
  7. Well for Windows security-oriented dev, try C. Some are just disgusted by that OS, but if you're not it can be a very interesting playground. (Start reversing it and take a ticket for a ride in the dark undocumented ring0 world hehe.) In the *nix world, C is still the key language that allows you to do anything you want. Also Perl / Python might come handy, I would say. SQL is just a request format so if you know how to use it, that's good, if not, it won't that hard to learn IMHO. It's not a programming language, but is useful for data storage & handling (got to know how to parse it too). So in a letter : C. :) Then for protocols, well, use of TCP & UDP should be well-known. And I guess it's quite the thing. About anti-cheat purpose : try to get to know PunkBuster and all its abilities, and know how to use it at it's best. It is indeed a great tool to protect your server. But you may already have realized that. ;)
  8. When I played CoD2, and encountered this message, mass reconnects did the job. :P So, in console type "bind F4 reconnect". Then try joining your server and press F4 a few times if you see the message. It should disappear. Not sure it works for CoD4 though.
  9. Je voudrais juste clarifier un point : le code ins
  10. Enable Hub Bind Queries flags allows the Hub to send pb_sv_bindsrch commands to your servers. It looks for cheat-related bind patterns. Can be very helpful for the detection of some hacks.
  11. That's right there is no evidence for us to base a ban upon. A piece of advice : use PB commands such as pb_sv_plist (and lookup the result in PB logs : /pb/svlogs) and pb_sv_banGUID to ban the punks. These are more reliable than game commands.
  12. PBBans a abandonn
  13. Le passage de Member
  14. Je l'ai post
  15. La pr
  16. J'ai du mal comprendre, je reviendrais demain, besoin de sommeil. -_-
  17. Essaye de contacter les responsables du projet Gamer-Flic.
  18. PBBans ne peut rien faire dans ce cas. Il faut que tu voies avec l'organisation du tournoi. Ce sont eux qui ont d
  19. Tout ce que je peux dire c'est que les donn
  20. Je t'invite
  21. On attend et on observe. ;)
  22. Une simple de correspondance de pseudo ne constitue pas une preuve valable. N'importe qui peut prendre le pseudo d'une autre personne et t
  23. *************************************************************** Team: Clan =Psycho= (=Psycho=) Account ID: 4323 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 2) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - (Streaming) COD4 - --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- TRICKY (123824) Helpful Links: Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Not Streaming Fix Ton serveur de match n'est pas correctement configur
  24. ^^ Je crois que les serveur bannis ainsi se font spammer de messages par PB, qui fait tous ses efforts pour que le joueur lag au max. (Oui
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