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Everything posted by DaLynX

  1. No idea. I don't think the firewall can be the cause but it could be some driver conflict or some other incompatibility issue... My best advice there would be go and ask EB, they are the more likely to give you an answer on what to do : http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  2. Quelqu'un aurait-il modifi
  3. Essaye avec les num
  4. MPI is based on information streamed to us by game servers. So if your server is streaming, and a player joins it, he will automatically be added to the MPI.
  5. Pour activer la prise automatique de screenshots oui. Pour en prendre manuellement il n'y a que la commande pb_sv_getss.
  6. Alors je te conseille d'aller
  7. (Pense a bien cliquer sur le bouton indiquant C:> dans CC, pour envoyer la commande directement.) Sinon de toute fa
  8. Il fallait juste
  9. Les fonctionnalit
  10. De quel jeu s'agit-il ? Es-tu s
  11. J'ignore la fa
  12. Pas si tu as pens
  13. Mmmh je dirais par e-mail. Je l'ai ajout
  14. Oui, c'est une simple copie. ;) Le mec a juste modifi
  15. Multihack ? ou
  16. Salut :) Cela arrive r
  17. You need staff to change the name / tag of the team account, but you can change the website URL and contact e-mail all by yourself. ;) (Nice clan name btw :P)
  18. Admin - PBBans Admin Staff - PBBans Staff member League Admin - Member of staff from a league we have a partnership with. Streaming GSP - Game server providers who stream to us. Streaming Game Admin - Game server admin, often lead of a clan, who streams to us. Member - simple forum member. If you want to stream to us, you can apply to become a SGA there : http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php
  19. Oui j'avais remarqu
  20. Well make sure to indicate all your drivers versions and to mention all software that may interfere with PB and the game. This way you ensure they will give maximum attention to your ticket and maybe give you an helpful answer.
  21. En tout cas c'est pas flagrant... Qu'est-on sens
  22. Yep, see http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=hubguide#bf2cc :) Streaming in itself does not create any lag. Plus PBBans Hub's Enforce Bans flag helps reducing PB memory load as you do not need to have a huge banlist loaded into memory while the game is running. About bandwidth usage i'm not sure but it's not very important. Nobody ever complained about it.
  23. Tu supposes bien en effet. Dommage... D'un autre c
  24. Ton compte a du
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