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Everything posted by mcsteve

  1. No its not bad, you will see a lot of these and they are primarily caused by connection problems. Edit (about 30 seconds later): Fast fingers RodeoBob, you beat me :P
  2. Rep is the alternative to Hub, you dont stream to both to the same site (pbbans). By streaming via Hub to pbbans, you leave rep free to potentially stream to other sites. That's the short of it, I'm sure one of the site admins will fill you in on the rest.
  3. Just thought I'd do a bit of shameless advertising. Ghostworks gaming community hosts a LAN party twice a year in Huddersfield, UK. The next one is in March 07 and there are still slots left at the moment, although note that this will change soon enough and every one to date has been full. The main games played are CSS, BF2 and ET, although other games and servers pop up as demand dictates. We're hoping Quakewars will be released in time for GW5, if so, we will have an ET:QW server. The event is very much a social occasion rather than a large competitive LAN. Its a great laugh and a fantastic atmosphere. Anyone interested can pop along to www.ghostworks.co.uk Wanna see some pictures? Try: http://www.ghostworks.co.uk/modules.php?name=gallery1 (you may see me in there somewhere, however, this is not advised :P) Feel free to post on forums or catch someone in IRC if you have any questions (#ghostworks @ quakenet). Regards
  4. Having just seen a similar discussion over on enemy-territory.4players.de, I have no particular desire to get involved in this one. However, I did giggle slightly at the above exaggeration: here are some slightly more accurate stats. ET 2.60 (3731 Servers) ET 2.56 (24 Servers) ET 2.55 (219 Servers) Peace.
  5. Try deleting "pbns.dat" from your pb folder.
  6. Shameless plug, my 2.60b installer/2.60 reverter files for windows 4tw. Specially designed as MD5 check friendly. :P http://enemy-territory.4players.de:1041/e1...opic.php?178238
  7. Well if you really want a second opinion, I would say unban him, you have nothing to suggest that he was cheating. Very probably just trying to execute his config.
  8. lol Did he type "!exec" or was it just "exec", like he just forgot to put the / in the console. Kind of looks like he was either trying to exec his config or just having a bit of a giggle, like people who used to type things like "exec aimbot.cfg" and "set cl_totalpwnage 1" etc into global chat.
  9. It isnt ideal, but you may also want to consider commenting out the check for the 2.60b ETDED.exe for the time-being. I have seen quite a few people getting kicked because they have swapped out the ET.exe and hence can join and play on the server but they didn't bother updating the ETDED.exe for 2.60b.
  10. Cheers for that. I've given it another try with the freq set to 60 and not having any major problems. Still getting some kicked occasionally but probably just connection issues that pb would eventually kick for anyway.
  11. I had problems with a lot of people getting kicked for ignoring MD5 queries. I ended up turning them off in the end which is a real shame since they are so valuable in detecting a lot of cheats. Just decreasing the frequency wasn't enough, because the same people still get kicked, it just takes longer before they are. Anything else I can do?
  12. Hub Game: ET Clantag; GhosT: Please change from REP to HUB. Thanks.
  13. Many thanks to foxdie for spending so much of his time with me on irc this afternoon helping me out. I have got the script working specifying the command as he says above.
  14. I'm interested in this too, cant get it to work though. It seems that the script is not being executed when a screenshot is captured. What am I missing? pb_sv_sscmd is set to the filename where the script is contained within the pb folder, path should be correct.
  15. Done :D I notice we have had our first catch added to the MBI, w00t! Thanks for the good work guys, glad to be on-board with you.
  16. Rep Game: ET Clantag; GhosT:
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