Just thought I'd do a bit of shameless advertising.
Ghostworks gaming community hosts a LAN party twice a year in Huddersfield, UK. The next one is in March 07 and there are still slots left at the moment, although note that this will change soon enough and every one to date has been full. The main games played are CSS, BF2 and ET, although other games and servers pop up as demand dictates. We're hoping Quakewars will be released in time for GW5, if so, we will have an ET:QW server.
The event is very much a social occasion rather than a large competitive LAN. Its a great laugh and a fantastic atmosphere. Anyone interested can pop along to
Wanna see some pictures? Try:
(you may see me in there somewhere, however, this is not advised :P)
Feel free to post on forums or catch someone in IRC if you have any questions (#ghostworks @ quakenet).