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Everything posted by RocknRoll

  1. Question 1 = Guids on the Banlist will not be able to get on your server. You will probably want to try the "recommended configs' for your game and to regular checks of your PBSS's and logs. Question 2 = pb_sv_AutoSs 1 // [0/1](default=0) Set to 1 if you want the PB server to regularly // retrieve screenshots from connected players pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 300 // [30-300](default=60) Minimum # of seconds PB will wait before it // requests a screenshot after the previous request from a player pb_sv_AutoSsTo 900 // [300-1500](default=1200=20 minutes) Maximum number of seconds PB // waits before requesting a screenshot after the previous request // from a player pb_sv_SsFloor 1 // [1-999999](default=1) The lowest serial number that PB will use // in numbering Screenshot (PNG) files obtained from players pb_sv_SsCeiling 10000 // [1-999999](default=100) The highest serial number that PB will use // in numbering Screenshot (PNG) files obtained from players before // starting over at the PB_SV_SsFloor value pb_sv_SsWidth 656 // [10-4096] Requested pixel width of remote screenshots, // (default=320) pb_sv_SsHeight 496 // [10-4096] Requested pixel height of remote screenshots, // (default=240) pb_sv_SsXpct 50 // Percentage across screen for remote screenshots, // 50 = center of screen pb_sv_SsYpct 50 // Percentage down screen for remote screenshots, // 50 = center of screen pb_sv_SsSrate 2 // The sample rate (default=1) used for capturing screen shots, // specifies how many pixels get skipped in the processing of the // image to keep file sizes down; if set to 2, then only every 2nd // pixel is taken (in both horizontal and vertical directions); // if set to 4, then only every 4th pixel is takenSample Rate for // remote screenshots, 1 = best. pb_sv_SsDelay 0 // [0-60] When this is non-zero (default=0), then each PB client will // wait a random number of seconds up to the value of this setting // after receiving the request before actually capturing a screen // image for sending back to the server
  2. Are you sure that your BF2cc is working right? Like are you able to kick people? ( test it on a buddy :D )
  3. You would only show on a "Master Ban List" if the site incharge of that list is the ones that banned you. As said ALL "Global GUID Bans" and "Hardware Bans" are issued directly and solely by Evenbalance ( the makers of PunkBuster ). They alone control them, nobody else. In order to get off their list and be able to play on servers with Punkbuster "turned on" you must deal with them through their "Trouble Ticket" system.
  4. I'm not sure what you are asking. For example: Did you try to join my server wearing the =GG= Tags and got kicked, and you want to know what to do to be able to join my server with those Tags?
  5. The "Streaming" will not cause any lag. However, stuff like... the amount of Cvar/MD5 Checks, your AutoSs Settings, etc, may cause lag.
  6. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...c=24183&hl=
  7. I believe the question was asked to EB and their response was basically "don't worry about it".
  8. The kicks weren't for the "0" though. Since everyone was given a GUID of "0", they were kicked for "Duplicate GUIDs".
  9. This manual -->> PunkBuster for Server Administrators ( Call of Duty ) is a very handy reference. B)
  10. ******************************************** If "new server" with "no bans", it sounds like a Punkbuster Global GUID Ban.
  11. If you don't cheat, then I would just ignore them.
  12. You can "stream" both PsB and PBBans with no problems. You use 2 separate "configs" for each. pbsvlog.cfg for PsB and pbbans_hub.cfg PBBans. You use 2 different commands in your pbsv.cfg pb_sv_load pbbans_hub.cfg // Loads PBBans.com Hub Streaming settings pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg // Loads PunksBusted.com Repository Streaming settings Here's the instructions for PBBans streaming: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19266
  13. Clean
  14. As far as I know, for the CoD series, it doesn't log anywhere. You don't see it. No finding out. They just can't connect.
  15. Another satisfied customer! :D
  16. At least we know you can follow orders! :D
  17. The file you refer to is "pbbans.dat" ? Upload it to your servers PB folder.
  18. Leave Of Absence
  19. This works for the "games_mp.log" which only keeps track of the map rotation info, but what covers the "console_mp.log"? It seems to be the same info as the "svlogs" with the "chat" added. I'd like to keep it from being overwritten on server restarts.
  20. Just to update.... the Alias Management stuff DOES NOT work for the CoD series. As far as I can tell it is only for Wolfenstein:ET. ( Based on the Server Admin manuals at EvenBalance ) How it ended up in my CoD config I don't know. :blink: Thanks again for the help anyways.
  21. Patience... it's still early on a Sunday morning. :rolleyes:
  22. make sure you use this --->> / pb_plist is incorrect /pb_plist is correct
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