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Everything posted by VAPOR33

  1. Sad day indeed :( Loved AON !
  2. I found an unofficial tweak guide, is these settings/tweaks allowed?
  3. Cool...thanks man :)
  4. I have some immature members who are kicking players on our ventrilo at will. Where can i go to find the logs from kicks in the ventrilo server? Or is it even possible? Thanks for the help.
  5. FYI : if your java is not up to date (firefox addons) you will not see the tool load screen. So after a simple java update i think i got it fixed. Thanks
  6. Maybe a block on the portal showing your ts status and who is online. I need an admin but noone's here :(
  7. When i click on that all i see is : This application only prepares your server to stream to PBBans. Once complete you will need to add the server ip to your account. If you do not have a PBBans account visit here for more information on how to create one. Please note this tool WILL overwrite the pbsv.cfg file by default on your server (By issuing the pb_sv_writecfg command). If you do not wish to overwrite your config, please uncheck the Write Config box. If you are running any league configs we advise not enabling the Write Config option. This java based applicaton is client side only and no data is stored on or sent to the PBBans website For more information on applet security please visit Sun Java. I do not see anything to click or fill out etc....
  8. I am trying to get bc2cc to work as well as bc2 guardian, but still to no avail.....sigh Server Info: IP: Port: 19617
  10. After 2 hours of searching....thanks !
  11. Was going to buy it, but not now. By the way...i threw together a little boycott sig. Feel free to pass it around :)
  12. Cool...thanks benway. Setting up the streaming now
  13. Does pbbans support Quake4 ....? And if so am i missing the private forums? Thanks guys :D
  14. A little respect goes a long way, sounds like someone needs a nap (db snake) Great job getting the hub back online !
  15. Our clan hasnt been very active here, but at the moment we are very busy setting up a Tourney website...plus rli have alot to do with it. Still cannot get my server to stream to pbbans while streaming to aon and using a server script from Ec live. Suppose i could put in a help ticket of some sort here. Great job nonetheless guys / gals !
  16. wish they would hold something in ohio...:)
  17. Ip & Port: Hub Game: AA Clantag: {FOD} *Can i request the logs also be forwarded to ACI please* Thank you
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