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Everything posted by surfy

  1. Have you resolved your issue? The above advice is exactly what I would have said :)
  2. I have upgraded your account for you :) You should have SGA access now..
  3. Sorry I have I offended you? ....
  4. :ph34r:
  5. If globally banned by Evenbalance and playing on a pb enabled server, he shouldn't be able to play on it. Regarding the pixel, thats just PBscreens way of potentially detecting anomalies in screenshots. I think it must detect colours or percentages of colours. It does however not mean a cheat is visible.
  6. In order to submit demo's for COD4 they have to be from a streaming server and submitted by a streaming game admin in the correct format on these forums. If the demo is from your server, perhaps you should consider setting up a streaming account. If it's from a server you visited, perhaps contact the server admins and see if they are streaming here :) Links removed but visible to staff.
  7. Still an issue I see when I am helping to get our servers populated. Total PITA. As for BF5.. nah. I like battlefront but barely get chance to play, plus Bf4 left me cold.
  8. Should be able to now :)
  9. I've changed the port for you but it's still not streaming: ---------- Account Information ---------- Team: Elite!Warriors^ (-ew.) Website: http://ewteam.enjin.com Account ID: 16322 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 1) ---------- Server List ---------- AAPG - ---------- User List ---------- raww (228969) ---------- Helpful Links ---------- Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Automated Streaming Setup Not Streaming Fix Donations Have you read this topic? You will still need to configure the server to stream your end. https://www.pbbans.com/forums/need-aapg-streaming-help-t202685.html
  10. You should be able to see your own server logs via your servers control panels. Also no need to pm me to check forum posts :) My advice to you would be to read the topics in the information centre. This should give you some of the general info you need about streaming and streaming options. I don't have AAPG so I don't know how these messages are displayed in game. All I can tell you is that the hub is sending the message to your server.
  11. From your server logs it seems to be working just fine? Welcome -=SubZero=- (GUID removed for security) from South Africa to our server.]
  12. I made the amendment to ports as per Bens post: ---------- Account Information ---------- Team: Gord Fraser (crazycanuc) Website: Account ID: 16307 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 3) ---------- Server List ---------- AAPG - (Streaming) ---------- User List ---------- crazycanuck4 (133886) ---------- Helpful Links ---------- Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Automated Streaming Setup Not Streaming Fix Donations
  13. In game servers panel you should have access to the following files: pbsv.cfg and pbsvuser.cfg If you don't, then ask gameservers to give you access to those files. Also rcon commands are issued via admin tools. Which programme do you use to administrate your server?
  14. You will need to visit http://www.anticheatinc.net as you appear to be on their banlist.
  15. Funnily enough we watched the second x files movie last night. Quite enjoyed it. Used to love this show so I'll be watching this.
  16. lol lots of Christmas presents eh?
  17. Happened with BF4 and BF3 .. Hence why I always wait until its cheap :) In this case I paid £15 cause we had vouchers.
  18. lol foxdie, I am relieved it wasn't her! Happy Christmas to all. Hope everyone has a lovely holiday season and thanks for the support from our users who've donated throughout the year.
  19. Did you restart the server or issue a pb restart? Still not streaming unfortunately.
  20. A little patience goes a long way. You will find that all the information is in the link fozzer posted. From the automated setup to the more manual way ;) Firstly check you've added the IP and Port correctly. It needs to be the join port not the rcon port. Currently that looks like this: - is that correct? Then you run the automated webtool - For this you need the rcon port If that doesn't initiate streaming, then I always recommend manually adding the information to the relevant files on your server: For AAPG this is: http://www.pbbans.com/mci-view-aapg-pbsv-43.html ... copy and paste this into your pbsv.cfg file on your server. MD5 scans available here once you are streaming: http://www.pbbans.com/mci-view-aapg-md5-43.html .... go into your pbsvuser.cfg file. Check that you have a pbucon.use file on your server as well. After that, issue a pb_restart via your rcon tool or restart the server completely. If that doesn't work post back here.
  21. lol and that's why I don't listen to other peoples opinions ;) Why don't people create some threads about games they do like and then post on them?
  22. Lol well I've been playing on my husbands copy of the game and it's the most fun on an FPS I've had since BC2.
  23. Bit like most FPS games then ;)
  24. surfy

    A Sad Day

    Well I don't normally write this kind of stuff on here, however this morning I feel compelled. I went to bed last night, and as usual I thought I'd take a quick look at the news. Whilst tucked up safely a scene of horror was unfolding in Paris. It's not the first this year and frighteningly it probably won't be the last. It's senseless and saddens me to my core. My thoughts are with everyone who's been affected by this or any attack like it. So the point of my post is just to say, we live in uncertain times, scary times. Hug everyone you love a little tighter and be safe out there.
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