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Everything posted by surfy

  1. News floating through is that there are four GSP's on the list....two have been mentioned above. Hopefully there's still some time to get some decent names added ;)
  2. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr this makes me very angry!!
  3. I've done that for you :) ---------- Account Information ---------- Team: Lords of Destruction ([LOD]) Website: http://www.lodclan.org Account ID: 13375 Streaming Status: Streaming (2 / 2)
  4. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?app=tickets&showticket=2975&st=0&gopid=10144entry10144
  5. Of course if you have your own server we'd recommend setting them up for streaming by following our application link here: http://www.pbbans.com/streaming-application.html http://www.pbbans.com/information-center.html I would ask if the server you were on was streaming at the time you witnessed this hacker? If not it may be that he's already been caught. Just not all server admins enforce PBBans bans.
  6. I've never stopped using the term SGA but I don't actually think it makes a difference either way (hardly a major change). :P
  7. I approve!! Nice effort :D
  8. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?app=tickets&showticket=2944
  9. PB off servers are unranked, not exactly enticing for hackers huh.. it kind of defeats the object for them.
  10. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/viol-132056-bans-removed-bf3-t173509.html
  11. What's the IP and Join Port of the server you're trying to add?
  12. Affecting Bans for this violation on the 10th July 2013 (only) http://evenbalance.com/index.php?page=support-bf3.php 48 Battlefield 3 bans have been removed from the MBi.
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  13. The bans are not fake bans, they are the result of a false positive (confirmed by Evenbalance Staff) and will be lifted shortly.
  14. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?app=tickets&showticket=2729&st=0&gopid=9418entry9418 :) all done
  15. I don't like origin or steam to be honest, never have liked running an extra programme to run a programme and who's business is it what games I have and what I'm playing. Thank god for offlinining...
  16. Meh...all getting too big imo.. next I'll be buying google toilet paper from the google supermarket in google street, googleland, googleearth. (wait... google earth already exists! :o )
  17. This server doesn't have anything to do with PBBans as far as I can tell. Best place to make a complaint is on their own forums or battle log.
  18. I personally never liked the phrase "retarded" so please refrain from use of it in a derogatory manner again on here. As for helping users, I know the thread in question and the linked topic did provide the information for the new user. I didn't see any bashing going on other then what you're doing now. We have a large section of links within the screenshot section that are stickied for people to read as guidelines before they post. Remember not all members play all games and if you want an opinion from the general users it's always good to provide what you think may be wrong with the screenshot, thus removing all doubt about the reason the screenshot was posted in the first place. From personal experience in 2007 I just started being an SGA, I was sure I'd found a hack. A staff member corrected me and said no it was a GFX error, I ranted and raved a while then realised I hadn't even looked at the stickies myself. After that I had l'd learned my lesson and moved on. I always fnd you can react two ways in a situation, learn from it and become better or argue and learn nothing.
  19. Evenbalance don't tell us what each violation code means, or what triggers the violation. I would suggest submitting a ticket to them directly but doubt they'd share that information.
  20. Gaming Deluxe are also giving them away on Twitter
  21. I rather like the idea of a star wars based shooter tbh... remember the mod for 2142 being rather popular.
  22. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/205373e3-8061-4078-b64b-aae2e410df1a/PBS-GAMETEAM-MIXED/ Fixed the port and it's streaming now :)
  23. Bah, if they were so positive they'd stream here and submit demos when they suspect people.
  24. As they say, you can't fix stupid. Just move along to a different server and forget about it :)
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