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Everything posted by surfy

  1. Welcome back :) All the best with the servers!
  2. Oh well, they're finally doing an activision on it then.
  3. lmao, maybe those gamers need to go out and find real ones :P
  4. The initial PM was sent to fixer because he was the one discussing the ban on the forums. I added it to you today because it seemed obvious that there was no action from fixer regarding the matter.
  5. lol, I never really bothered with the multiplayer element of Mass Effect 3 (for example). It's just trying to make the product more appealing to different types of gamers. Truth be told, an RPG (or action RPG) doesn't need a multiplayer addon, just like BF3 didn't really need a single player story. No wonder they have to release DLC's.. to get back the money they've wasted on unnecessary things.
  6. The full BF3 config can be found here: http://www.pbbans.com/mci-view-bf3-pbsv-41.html The reason two of the HUB IP's are not in that config is due to the recent DDoS attacks, we do not advertise all our hub settings.
  7. Should be: Is that the complete config?
  8. Can you post your pbsv.cfg here please. All non streaming issues are server side. As long as your server is configured correctly your end, it will stream. I suspect you may be missing some required information in your config files so lets take a look and see. Additionally to run the webtool remember to use your rcon port and password, not join port.
  9. It may be worth contacting the server admin and asking if they had screenshots running. If anything is suspicious on them and they stream here, they can post it up for review etc.
  10. Don't know not bothered, at least staff and users won't waste their time checking to see if someone needs genuine help or questions answered for PB related issues only to find you posting about mammary's. /end
  11. Topic split so that original topic remains on track.
  12. Staff here have been contacted previously by female members to deal with the removal of such avatars from other members. It's probably best to pre-empt that. Luckily PBBans is not Battlelog :)
  13. This was a general warning issued by my own clan server providers some time back: I don't know why PB isn't forced on when server is ranked but it doesn't seem to be. Hence why the announcement was made.
  14. If those ranked servers are not running PB, report them to the server GSP or BL administration.
  15. Its good fun to be honest maybe we should have a thread in off topic for users creations etc...
  16. Fozzer has already mentioned above, he needs to submit an appeal himself. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-b52c53f6-vb270333.html He doesn't actually need to say much just appeal. If you appeal on his behalf the appeal is automatically deleted. There is a system for appealing bans, this is not it.
  17. Added my effort for a giggle, come on guys its all a bit of fun :)
  18. Not to mention well known hackers basically advertising hack sites on battle log and still being able to log in every day to troll on any PB associated threads.
  19. I think those members should maybe look at their own houses before getting involved in what occurs here :) We have repeatedly said data from lite streamers is not added to the MPI. New bans from those servers are added to an unofficial ban list which people can either enforce or not. That said, we do run checks even on those who decide lite streaming is the way to go. Something i am sure still doesn't occur for full streaming functions elsewhere.
  20. surfy

    London 2012

    loved everything apart from boxing.. :D I'm now in a depressed state as its finished.
  21. Too true lol
  22. It's good to be back!! Thanks to everyone for the kind words above.
  23. If that's the case Lumpy it makes what AC sites do pretty damn pointless huh and certainly pisses in the face of EA's statements regarding how keen they are to stop cheating in their games. If cheating has no consequences, it has no deterrent.
  24. lol ;) Now 2143 would be, well could be... great! Always liked 2142 but clan insisted on bf2 instead lol.
  25. If they don't do something soon to freshen things up, the FPS genre could look a bit dicey...
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