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Everything posted by surfy

  1. You should be able to access what you need at the moment: http://www.pbbans.com/mci-view-bf3-pbsv-41.html Thats the config for streaming, then you can run the webtool. Once your streaming again and your forum status upgrades, you can access the MD5 checks list too. If you need any help just pop into IRC :)
  2. There have been some comments made recently regarding our streaming requirements that I'd like to address as part of the accounts management team. Those who have been around in the anti cheat communities over the years will know exactly when we tightened our restrictions. If not then here's some background: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/pbbans-recent-events-t64420.html (for those who have access). False data is the main reason for our tight streaming requirements and these are just a few cases of what happens without those requirements: While it doesn't solve the problem completely, it does reduce it significantly. Due to those events, the staff here at PBBans had several discussions on how to move forward, also consulting with Tony Ray of Evenbalance. That is when the new streaming requirements were implemented. All clans/communities would need to be fully background checked. The only way to do full background checks was to ask for a roster for clans or admin contact information for communities, server information and access to view forums. Checking each application does take alot of time but we do it because we set ourselves a standard and want to stick to it. We knew when we made the decision to tighten our requirements the easy option would be for people to go elsewhere, however we do believe in our slogan and decided it was worth the sacrifice to protect the community and the integrity of our MPI/MBI. If we were indeed only worried about numbers (like someone suggested elsewhere), we'd approve applications no matter what. I have and always will take the time to help new streamers and point them in the right direction to get them started and so will all the staff. If we didn't want to help, we'd not be here. We have a special area of the forum for helping with streaming and accounts related issues and if a more direct form of contact is required, staff check Private messages regularly or there is our IRC live chat facility. It's easy to read a list of terms and think "Omg!". I can understand that. However, please please realise that they were put in place for valid reasons and sometimes what first seems impossible to achieve is actually not as unattainable as first perceived. Thank you. Further info German version:
  3. Kinda depends on who you game with. I always find playing MP as a lonewolf is like sex, you can do it alone but its much more fun with someone else :P
  4. Source As someone who's relied on procon for BC2 its encouraging to think this tool may be working on day one!
  5. Not unless you're on an IP you used with the game. I'd hazard a guess the email you used for BF2 would've been the same one you signed onto the BF3 beta with as that was your EA account.
  6. Great post kraxus and lots of valid points. Any thread about a big game is going to contain alot of opinions that are either one way or the other. My personal opinion on the game thus far is much like yours, very basic, fundamental features have been neglected in favour for what? Flash lights in your face? Great. Those things are my biggest beef of BF3 so far. However supposedly they are being nerfed for the release. On the "to do list" does seem to be the phrase of the moment, and much like BC2 I expect the game to be a nightmare to admin for at least 6 months. I wouldn't have expected it any other way to be honest. How long did it take for them to sort BF2 and BC2? Battle log, I have marmite feelings about. I don't like that its being used as a replacement for the in game menus, however I do actually like the silly community side of it. Even if the majority of forum posts were written by spoilt brats who should get out more. I actually like the movement in game, the tanks feel more like BF2 tanks then BC2 tanks. I got lost for hours on caspian and relished being in a good tactical squad on metro. Thank god squads issue will be resolved! Even if it is BC-ish, I don't personally care. I've played BC2 for about 18 months and still enjoy it. This game could easily have not had punkbuster but it has, we should at least be thankful for that small mercy since other developers have basically decided their own anti cheat systems are far superior. (cod elite anyone). If they'd decided not to go with PB, we'd be bitching about that too. To end, I have pre-ordered and I am not cancelling. At the end of the day, I play games for fun and with a group of people who make any game even more fun. That's what its all about for me. It just so happens we've all agreed that game will be BF3. Lets keep the posting contructive and informative and continue to respect each others opinions. We don't after all want to sound like those battle log kiddies :)
  7. sorry but this just seems wrong to me: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/322019/sony-acquires-steve-jobs-film-rights/
  8. Something which might please Iphone users http://phogue.net/2011/10/07/preview-ios-procon-bf3-edition/ It's also free for BC2 and MoH now http://phogue.net/procon-frostbite/ios-procon/
  9. Killing me alot, no doubt :P Good news indeed though, I missed the first round of caspian servers so will be nice to see more of the real battlefield tonight. w00t w00t! Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDIwNcAF7s4
  10. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/320274/modern-warfare-3-cheaters-will-be-caught-using-elite/
  11. All approved and streaming again :) ---------- Server List ---------- BFBC2 - (Streaming) BFBC2 - (Streaming) BFBC2 - (Streaming) BFBC2 - (Streaming) BFBC2 - (Streaming)
  12. I have removed the IP from the blacklist, go ahead and add them, you should be able to :)
  13. Not your own server, a server which is already streaming to PBBans and yes seriously. Choice is yours however.
  14. We need to verify that your GUID matches your IP, to address the issue join an already streaming server for ten minutes on your current GUID and IP. These extended checks are for security reasons and to ensure we maintain the integrity of our services and the data on our MPI/MBI A server which is already streaming is, it really only takes 5-10 minutes to get this resolved. Once you've done that feel free to put in another application.
  15. Hmm now where was I?

    1. theinvisible58


      sup .. in AAPG how i can add mod for more slots for sniper ?

  16. On Vacation until the 19th Sept

    1. Twiebie


      Have a good one, surfy!

  17. Not sure if anyones posted this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr7Ef7QGTGQ
  18. Nothing if you don't buy it..
  19. As long as people keep buying it.
  20. Well just as I thought everything with BF3 was going well. DICE co-ordinating with AC sites and rcon progamme developers. The possibility that screenshots will actually work, the sun shining and the birds singing. THEN EA spring this little GEM on fans: http://uk.gamespot.com/news/6330914/ea-origin-eula-sparks-privacy-concerns Soon we won't be able to take a piss without EA knowing about it. Joy..
  21. http://account.pbbans.com/account-manage-signatures.html
  22. Flat ( 153570 ) Is the master user of said account.
  23. Guy posted this on my clan forums, amused me :P
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