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Everything posted by surfy

  1. Your GUID has been globally banned by the creators of Punkbuster (Evenbalance)
  2. Servers appear to be streaming just fine: ---------- Account Information ---------- Team: razRR (d`logics.) Website: http://forums.team-dlogics.co.uk/ Account ID: 13702 Streaming Status: Streaming (2 / 2) ---------- Server List ---------- COD - (Streaming) COD2 - (Streaming) I would say they may have been in the queue waiting to be approved by admin which is checked and done throughout the day.
  3. I found it more funny that men think ;) /me runs
  4. My guess is someone used the MPI did a rough search found the linked GUID's and then decided to add the OP to metabans on that basis...
  5. What a load of TOSH. If EA made people homeless and shit they could drop their percentage by 55.06%.... Obviously they're doing the wrong thing providing entertainment to people which IS OPTIONAL. Priorities..
  6. Whenever a cheat is linked to a user we restrict those users so that they can have a private platform away from flamers and onlookers to discuss anything directly with staff. Numerous people caught up in this took the opportunity to work with staff in the restricted areas to help ascertain a potential cause for the false violations. I had read the threads throughout this whole saga and only dealt with facts and helped those wanting to be helped. Like I said in my initial post on this thread, PBBans never stopped working with Evenbalance on this and as soon as we heard the violations were to be lifted we did so immediately. If it had been me, I can honestly say I would've been more patient with the system. I never heard of one violation which was suspected as false, that hasn't later been lifted. Lets not forget that while yes innocent people were caught up in this ban wave, there were also genuine cheaters who were in there too.
  7. I just wish to add to Taz's post PBBans had been working closely alongside Evenbalance staff to get to the bottom of this. While frustrating for those affected it has been equally frustrating trying to field the rants and abuse we've received while doing our best to get a resolution to the situation. I have always maintained that patience and communication are key in cases like this.
  8. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I was looking forward to 1313 :( Just basically means they won't be building in house anymore. Still hope for Obsidian to do KOTOR 3 then...
  9. If you're a multiplay customer I recommend manually adding the configs to the right files through clanforge: your pbsv.cfg should contain this: http://www.pbbans.com/mci-view-bf2-pbsv-13.html Your pbsvuser.cfg file should contain MD5 scans etc, you'll be able to access them once you're streaming: http://www.pbbans.com/mci-view-bf2-md5-13.html Finally your ucon.use file should remain empty. Restart server or punkbuster and if the configs are in the right places you should be streaming nicely. Just post back if you have any further issues.
  10. lol.. cause that's gonna make ALL the difference... (NOT!)...
  11. All hacks are detectable ;) It's just a case of when they become detected. Screenshots will often help catch hackers who are using those amazing "undetectable hacks" ;) Anti cheat is about a bit of patience.
  12. You took the words out of my mouth! Always nice to get some appreciation back :)
  13. Last streamed: 17 hours, 30 mins ago Is this script disabling pb or something? When did you change to it?
  14. Hehe, I have looked at many configs over the years and straight away I couldn't see anything wrong with yours. ;)
  15. I've sent you a PM
  16. When new servers are added to team accounts they join a queue. This queue is periodically checked by staff who then approve servers manually :) Server has been approved and you're streaming.
  17. No the GUID is banned from the streamed evidence not the person the screenshot says. We did see it and I made note on the comments. Another attempt to frame someone...
  18. He can't submit it, he's not an SGA. Screenshot received, wait until a ban manager is around ;)
  19. Topic has been brought to attention of staff.
  20. *************************************************************** Team: France Isere Rhonealpes (=FIR=) Account ID: 13307 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- BF3 - (Streaming) --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- captainecook (174385) :)
  21. For a minute then I thought you were signing off as SGA! Thankfully not lol.. have a great new years eve everyone and I'll see you in 2013 :)
  22. What he said! Eagerly awaiting the 3rd one!
  23. I would reference this post if you have any further troubles, or of course stick to servers where admins can interpret the data ;)
  24. We don't lift valid bans and we cannot edit the MPI data.
  25. Just use [media][/media] tags ;)
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