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Everything posted by surfy

  1. http://www.game-monitor.com/bf2_GameServer...-Variables.html Kein PB leuft! Schreib "Pb_sv_enable" so wie hier in BF2CC
  2. Bitte lesen http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=100769
  3. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=100628
  4. Der Grund dafür ist: auf Ihrem Team Account gibt es keine streamende Server. Kontrollieren, ob Ihre Server streamen, kann man im Server Management / Serverleitungs Bereich. Information zum Hubprofil kann man in unserer Hub Anleitung finden. Die automatische Streaming Einstellung kann man mit unserem Webtool machen. Server mit dem Uconprofil pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbanshub pbbanshub müssen mit diesem ersätzt werden: pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbhub1 pbbanshub . Wenn Ihr Server als deaktiviert gezeigt wird, dann heißt es nur, dass der Server in mehr als 3 Tagen nicht gestreamt hat. Sie können es in dem Server Management / Serverleitungs Bereich reaktivieren und überprüfen ob es streamt. Nachdem ein Server aktiv streamt kann es bis zu 2 Stunden dauern bis Ihr Status im Forum automatisch erneuert wird.
  5. Lets stick with some facts here, Fact 1. It is a fact that you logged in as another user to make an application. Fact 2. The player you tried to help stream had already had applications denied and was a restricted user. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-be339be6-vb92458.html Fact 3. You should've thought twice before trying to help a hacker stream Fact 4. Your account will remain suspened. You are of course welcome to stream elsewhere.
  6. *************************************************************** Team: sawb (|SAWB|) Account ID: 2837 Streaming Status: Streaming (6 / 6) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - (Streaming) CODWW - (Streaming) COD4 - (Streaming) COD2 - (Streaming) CODUO - (Streaming) CODUO - (Streaming)
  7. I think you need to check your port number >>> This is the world @ war server on your account:
  8. Usually takes a little while for your status to update again, I've given you a helping hand though. Seems like your all up and streaming.
  9. All up and running :) *************************************************************** Team: =Extreme Swedan= (=XT= =XSS=) Account ID: 5339 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD2 - (Streaming)
  10. Server has been approved but is not streaming so you may need to run the webtool if that doesn't work, post back or pop into our IRC channel and I'm sure we'll get you up and running.
  11. wooooooooohoooooooooooo its gr8 to be back! Thanks to those who've been supportive during this time! Now lets get back to work!
  12. surfy


    Captain - It is up to papasmurf to remove him from your clan, like he'd informed me he did! If what you are saying is true then yes CID streaming will cease once again! Only this time it would probably be on a more permanent basis. As for Hemps remarks, they are unjustified statements. I can tell you for one that we actively deal with clans harboring hackers on a daily basis, so no its not about numbers for us. You are misinformed. As with all these cases, we do prefer a PM made to a staff member who will investigate any reports further.
  13. Happy birthday!

  14. Account updated *************************************************************** Team: Southern Gaming Clan (SG|.) Account ID: 7981 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 1) ***************************************************************
  15. OK cause I don't have cod4 cod5 will have to suffice, the basic game is the same anyway and the PB screenshot system certainly is. Both shots are taken on same settings as image questioned. First shot is: 800x600 res 2nd shot is 1680x 1050 Spot the difference? I hope that explains why resolution is a very important factor to consider. :)
  16. As far as I'm aware the server signature will show the last ban and the last server the ban was made on so for example your teams last catch was march 30 and on your old server, when you catch someone else on the new IP it should replace the information with the new ban details. I guess you could edit the signature itself, some ideas here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...signature+codes
  17. Main thing really is to make sure all the streaming requirements are covered http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=82423 before you re-apply. If you think everything is good to go then put in a new application :) http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php
  18. You should be able to re-apply for streaming now.
  19. Ahhh don't hold back now :) As they say "I lol'd" Here's to another 5....... n then some!
  20. Go into game and type pb_myguid or pb_plist into console line. It should come up with a hexadecimal code (32 characters long).
  21. Remember to read: Streaming Applicant Requirements before you re-apply: http://www.pbbans.com/account/index.php
  22. If the IP was, it has been removed from the blacklist. You are free to re-apply. The blacklist wasn't against you but another clan with identical IP (different port).
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