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Everything posted by BOTA:X

  1. Change the gametype and then change the map. Also if you want it to stay on a particular gametype permanently instead of reverting to default, edit your config to take out the gametype. Example of how most do it: set sv_mapRotation "gametype sd map mp_backlot gametype sd map mp_bloc gametype sd map mp_bog gametype sd map mp_cargoship gametype sd map mp_citystreets" Change to: g_gametype sd set sv_mapRotation "map mp_backlot map mp_bloc map mp_bog map mp_cargoship map mp_citystreets" I may have the syntax a little wrong, but basically if you did /rcon g_gametype war it would keep cycling through your maps on TDM instead of reverting to SD after one map.
  2. Theres quite a lot of these, just turn join any non PB server and you'll be headshotted through walls all day.
  3. I posted a little guide a while back, 4 or 5 posts down. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...&hl=pb_rcon I'd turn it into something more formal for COD4 but most people just use an admin mod anyway, as trying to get members to learn console commands is unintuitive.
  4. Dude that's the cheap stuff. Go with what works. :D
  5. If you've got nothing useful to add then don't post.
  6. BOTA:X

    Google Maps

    It's kinda like Megan's law maps where you can see where all the sex offenders are....it lets you see where all the cheaters in the neighborhood are lol... Well, the maps are probably pretty similar :P
  7. New video cards are so cheap for what you get now, theres no reason to suffer anymore. ;)
  8. Basically, if a CVAR already exists and it lets you change it, you'll be fine. Some servers will kick if you change it outside of a certain range, for example /com_maxfps should be between 50 and 125 on many servers, but others allow any range. A common check is to force LODSCALE to a certain value to keep people from disabling grass...but you can get kicked for that without even touching a CVAR. If you set all your graphic textures to low, you'll get a warning and then a kick if you fail to correct it. If you want a list of what a server allows, open the full console (shift-tilde) and do a /pb_cvarlist The only values you would be banned for are ones installed by cheat programs, so as long as you don't have any of those don't worry.
  9. Also, FRAPS and Xfire videos take a lot of resources to record and transfer...with minimum quality at the other end. Demos are a much better technology anyway.
  10. Why not run the IP against the MPI, figure out the GUID, and ban him that way ;)
  11. Anyone can: /pb_plist Admins can: /rcon pb_sv_plist
  12. set scr_sd_multibomb "0" 0 = One bomb. 1 = Everyone has a bomb.
  13. No thats, a Vista issue. Even with the game full screen it can do that.
  14. COD4 uses UDP, there are no TCP ACKs. The small packets setting may be interesting but I wouldn't try something that says: "RELEASE 0.1 is BETA for now"
  15. Oh, yah. Well that's automatic if you did a full server restart. Got it working? If not maybe theres something I don't know about AA and this can be moved to the game specific forum where someone else can interject.
  16. Yah it should just need an /rcon pb_sv_restart
  17. Oh also the quote needs to surround the whole command. pb_sv_task 60 800 "say ~~We are recruiting! www.AlliedTacticalForces.com~~" pb_sv_task 120 800 "say ~~Banned unfairly? Appeal at our forums~~" pb_sv_task 180 800 "say ~~This is a NO OBJ server!!~~" pb_sv_task 240 800 "say ~~NO intentional TKing~~" pb_sv_task 300 800 "say ~~No racism or sexism!!~~" pb_sv_task 360 800 "say ~~NO hacks or cheats!~~" pb_sv_task 420 800 "say ~~Medics do your job or prepare to get TKed~~" pb_sv_task 540 800 "say ~~Pillar leaning and bunny hopping IS allowed~~" pb_sv_task 660 800 "say ~~We kick for fun, so don't piss the admins off~~" pb_sv_task 780 800 "say ~~Neglecting the rules will result in a kick/ban~~"
  18. You should increase the number 600 across every line because your script is longer than 600 seconds. Try 800. What game is this for?
  19. Basically...your friend cheated, no matter what story he tells you.
  20. Only because it is most streamed.
  21. It depends on if UAC is on and where it's installed. F'n Vista.
  22. Watch the text at the end of a round very carefully. It scrolls through that.
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