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Everything posted by Agent-86

  1. yeah I left ERF about a month ago. If you can, Remove me from the team altogether :D thanks -Agent
  2. My comment was more aimed towards Obama
  3. I heard Obama cut funding to AA3 so there will be no update :P
  4. yeah true, but you can't fault a clan for streaming some other anticheat site.. they probably aren't aware how much psb sucks.. But the bust is still valid :D
  5. Don't forget your bans in BF2142 [PsB:9354 V00D91423] 688e928b7ad4dd236686dc14c27baa36 "Agent.Rev" "" GAMEHACK #80282 [PsB:7586 V00D79EF8] a571ccf8fae55d641283427bb6ca4a96 "Agent.Rev" "" GAMEHACK #80283
  6. I got it & don't like it. it's like a really bad version of TF2.. Something you would find on the WII, kids might like it, But not for me.
  7. should be set to -1 set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay -1
  8. Could have sworn they scrapped the system before it went live in BF2142. Don't know wth they thinking anyways.. just cuz some poster can be found in a game, not making me go buy a soda or whatever crap they trying to sell.. Oh that's right, they aren't thinking.. they just see the $$$ come in. :D
  9. Only option is pretty much a bind search PB_SV_BindSrch [search_text] [player_name_or_slot#] {rcon limited} Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for a report on which local player key bindings contain the specified [search_text]; to specify a player name or substring (as opposed to slot #), surround the text with double-quote marks I'll send you a PM, might have a tool that would work for you..
  10. I hope they left out the advertisements system :D Unless 1943 is going to be free also?
  11. Maybe some type of rank hack he messed up applying? hex edited the perks and not rank? who knows, could even be some type of rare bug.
  12. crap they already beta testing? Another beta I didn't get accepted for :( lol
  13. If I had to guess, I'd say it's his desktop, He is using the windows 'hands' mouse theme. Either way, I don't really see it getting banned, There is no clear cut view of a cheat being used *edit* Not sure if you are able to post someones unedited SS with his complete guid in this open forum. Oh yeah, And are you streaming your server here? non streaming servers can't submit screenshots here. without the streaming logs, pbbans can't verify if the shot is legit or not.
  14. Sounds like another Joint Operations fiasco :D
  15. BF Series is nothing more than a cash cow for EA At this point, doesn't matter how crappy the game is, they have a big enough fan base, people will buy it off title alone. And so true about the bullet detection/hit boxes, by far the worse I've seen.. Still remember that Youtube video showing how bad it is in BF2... while running, the hit box is dragged behind you. Horrid
  16. If you run a server, You can use aliasfinder the server admin edition (aliasfinderMS), which is free. You grab the PB logs and import them into AF and it will display every IP & Nick & date used on a particular guid. Now there is a client version(aliasfinderCL) this version will capture the pb_plist from the console. But I'm not sure if Peel updated it for cod4. Also, the client version you have to pay for, But there is a free trial to test drive the software first http://www.aliasfinder.co.uk/ I been using the MS version for a good 4-5 years now, works great for tracking players/cheaters. **EDIT** Oh yeah, If you run a server, You can use the alias tracker built into punkbuster, Works quite well. It' records every username recorded for a guid, and it also allows everyone in the server to use it. admin or not. pb_sv_AliasFn "pbalias.dat" //[Filename (default="pbalias.dat")] pb_sv_AliasAutoLoad 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_AliasMax 20 //[Max # of Aliases to track for each PB GUID] pb_sv_AliasMaxEnforce 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] And when in the server, type /pb_plist in the console, Find the slot number you want to search, then type /pb_alist <slot> IE: /pb_alist 5 If someone used a lot of names, and tries to hide, in the /pb_plist it will show you with ^alias^ next to their name :D We use it on the =ERF= check it out when you see people connected to the server
  17. I get errors with the same file "PnkBstrK", But I get BSOD from them.. Also happens on map change for me :D _________ FAULTING_MODULE: 804d7000 nt DEBUG_FLR_IMAGE_TIMESTAMP: 4914c4ae BUGCHECK_STR: 0x7f_8 CUSTOMER_CRASH_COUNT: 1 DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID: WRONG_SYMBOLS LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 804de403 to 804e2e9d STACK_TEXT: WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. a11562b4 804de403 a11562d0 00000000 a1156324 nt+0xbe9d a1156324 91471919 badb0d00 00000000 eeec872b nt+0x7403 a1159c18 91472051 8a37cd38 88511000 a1159c3c PnkBstrK+0x2919 a1159c40 804e13d9 8a37cd38 8a365e30 80701410 PnkBstrK+0x3051 a1159c64 805803d0 8a37cd38 8a365e30 88766910 nt+0xa3d9 a1159d00 805889d2 0000026c 00000000 00000000 nt+0xa93d0 a1159d34 804dd99f 0000026c 00000000 00000000 nt+0xb19d2 a1159d64 7c90e4f4 badb0d00 008cfe54 00000000 nt+0x699f a1159d68 badb0d00 008cfe54 00000000 00000000 0x7c90e4f4 a1159d6c 008cfe54 00000000 00000000 00000000 0xbadb0d00 a1159d70 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x8cfe54 STACK_COMMAND: kb FOLLOWUP_IP: PnkBstrK+2919 91471919 ?? ??? SYMBOL_STACK_INDEX: 2 SYMBOL_NAME: PnkBstrK+2919 FOLLOWUP_NAME: MachineOwner MODULE_NAME: PnkBstrK IMAGE_NAME: PnkBstrK.sys BUCKET_ID: WRONG_SYMBOLS Followup: MachineOwner _________________ Started last week with the latest Punkbuster update http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...&st=0
  18. And now I keep getting a new one for cod5 The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x1000007f (0x00000008, 0xf7717d70, 0x00000000, 0x00000000). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini112508-01.dmp. For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp. Oh joy....
  19. blah that sucks! worst setup I've ever seen in a game, hope they fix it ;/
  20. Anyone know if there is a fix for the master server? I get constant disconnects when either starting up the game, or leaving a server. A real bitch to connect to the MS. The callofduty.com forums suck, I can't log into the damn thing.. figured I'd ask here thx
  21. And I just got hit with another BSOD, Again on a map change
  22. I filed a support ticket with EB the other day, I got no response from them. What I did was wipe punkbuster from my system, I removed the windows services with pbsvc.exe, And deleted the pb directory in the game folder. Reinstalled both and I didn't get a BSOD yesterday. But this error wasn't something that happened on que, They were few and far between. So I guess I just need to wait and see if it' helped. Don't really need to take a picture of the BSOD, That is why the minidump is created. For XP would be in this directory. "C:\WINDOWS\Minidump" That minidump shows the driver at fault and error codes needed. Use windows debugger to open it up (http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/resources/downloads.mspx)
  23. It's the file PnkBstrk.sys that is displayed in the BSOD, Punkbuster a & b are running. I'm on Windows XP Pro Corp Edition, I have a few drivers running. fingerprint software (omnipass) Daemon tools avira Antivirus Xfire Nostromo N52 Software Extendia firewall Acer monitor driver Atomic clock G5 mouse softare Xfi soundcard drivers Ventrilo Raid drivers Ventrilo Anything similiar running knifeninja? I'd suspect antivirus software cause a driver fault more than anything else.
  24. thanks, I'll give it a shot
  25. After the update the other day for cod4, I got 2 Blue screen of death from the driver PnkBstrk.sys The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x10000050 (0xfadd1535, 0x00000000, 0x8b50e8e1, 0x00000000). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini111208-01.dmp. Each time I got the BSOD, It was on a map change Anyone else experience this issue?
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