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About {BFK}Brit_FK

  • Birthday 06/22/1973

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    Britisches FreiKorps
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. It wouldn't hurt installing BF2 only then trying to see if ok.
  2. Just ensure your entering the correct one for that game. BF2 key for BF2 Expansion Key for the Expansion And you haven't mixed them up and ensure you're not entering o instead of 0. for example zero should have a diagonal line through it were O for Oranges will not. Other than triple checking your entering the key correctly not much more. And if you still keep getting the German guys GUID someone could have switched your manual, did you say a friend or someone brought the game recently, second hand maybe?
  3. I have no idea what you're doing but that is not .:BIA:. waffles_is_win's GUID. That GUID is still Clean and ends: 33f0fd37 The GUID you are currently using is: 4ec96bb3f52d9e2400a401309d80518c Which did belong to that German and is globally banned. You appear to have some how obtained that banned Germans CD-Key and have been entering it has your own, or making the exact same typo everytime you enter it, which just happens to be the same CD-key as the German guys, which you appear to have used only once on the 6 Feb 10.
  4. I think PBBans, have been busy with other things, Chill I'm sure it'll get done soon, I think the long term future is a more important issue ATM.

  5. I run vista on may laptop and desktop (32bit/64bit). I also use norton 360. and have no issue running any PB games on either system. The only issue I've had is to ensure PB A&B are allowed full access via norton along with the game in question. But generally everything works fine, you do occasional get kicked for communication failure but I think that is more down to the server connection as mentioned previously.
  6. The profile you backed up can simply be pasted to the correct location, and your old profile should be restored. However on occasion this can fail and you'll get a notice about corrupt mp.data or whatever it is called which would mean your rank would be lost.
  7. Going what has been said above, only players who got this ban for the past month are unbanned at PBBans, Thus if you got this violation else were you could still be banned on those servers streaming to other AC sites, conversly you can still get banned for this on servers that stream to other AC sites or utilise dual streaming pbbans + other AC site (unless you know for sure what caused it and don't use it again, 3rd party app etc) Thus if you have just been unbanned you'll only be safe for now on servers that stream to PBBans only.
  8. LOL, some pwnage dealt out there.
  9. I think the original isn't offensive, it's essentially hitler going into a tirade about his senior generals being cowards/traitors after finding out steiner can't come to the defence of berlin. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bmkUlXp5sk Also IW = Epic fail
  10. No not had that before, but I'd say check your logs find the GUID for buttercup and local ban them, at least they won't be able to come on and try it again, well at least not with that GUID.
  11. Also remember if you're running a mod then the demos will be in the mods folder inside the folder of the mod running when the demo was recorded. to view the demo you can use something like seismovision or do it in game via the console, but first ensure you know the demo number like demo011, then type in console /demo demo011 and it should start playing back. although sometimes you may have to have the game on your pc running the mod the demo was recorded on to playback.
  12. I urge people to make a subscription donation like {BFK} does on a monthly basis, all it needs at the very least is 5 Dollars a month, surely most clans can afford that small donation, for the great service PBBans provides. http://www.pbbans.com/donations.php PBBans keep up the good work
  13. Glad to see your back.
  14. You should be able to use your old cd-key, thus just buy a cheap second hand CD to replace your broken one. Thus doesnt even matter if the CD key for that disc is compromised as you'll be useing your old CD-Key.
  15. Hoellenfisch [HF] already use the tag [HF] so you will have to slightly change it to something different. -[HF]- =[HF]= *[HF]* or many other variations
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