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Posts posted by Squealer

  1. MPi data wordt nooit aangepast, het geeft de waarheid aan en nu is dat dat er op deze key meerdere mensen hebben gespeeld. Hij is gehackt en zal helaas ermee moeten leven.

  2. Well, first of all, the MPI data won't be altered, so your name will stay on the banned GUID unfortunately.


    However, the admins apparently can search for aliases, so they should be able to view the MPi data behind the GUID too. If they actually looked, they'd find a list of 85 aliases on 1 GUID. So either the owner is nuts and made 85 accounts, or he is spoofing names (or both). I vote for the spoofing, seeing the amount of aliases. They should have known better before banning you.

  3. [@GGC-Bot] Player on banlist: bf2 alias: OTAVIANVS_AVGVSTVS GUID: 4c29aff4 reason: Violation (GAMEHACK) #85017 banned until: 2011-07-30 11:31:28 CET origin: GGC


    However, the website says you're not banned. As AcE said, try to take it up with them at ggc-stream.com


    Edit: ninja'd by biggy :mellow:

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