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Posts posted by Squealer

  1. I would want to give you my latest mod, but I don't think that people will be all too happy about it :D *winks at Duality*


    Either way, I'll try out some servers over the next week. Good idea!

  2. The players Diceeee and Tigger are already on the MBi of PBBans. They got a ban on your server as their GUIDs have been seen with hacks before, either on your server or another PBB streaming server.

  3. I'd say: Give him an IP ban.


    PB_SV_BanMask [iP Address / Subnet Mask]

    Permanently bans players from joining the server from the specified IP Address / Subnet Mask; for example: issuing PB_SV_BanMask "12.34." will cause PB to deny access to all players trying to join from an IP Address that begins with "12.34."; These bans are written to the pbbans.dat file just like bans issued with the PB_SV_Ban command

  4. PB_SV_Ban [name or slot #] [displayed_reason] | [optional_private_reason]

    Removes a player from the game and permanently bans that player from the server based on the player's guid (based on the cdkey); the ban is logged and also written to the pbbans.dat file in the pb folder

  5. YEAH GOOD JOB. I was running Xfire, Steam, mIRC and CoD2 and I got 50104'd. There goes my key I've had since the beginning of the game guys.


    I should have had a ban quite a while ago too then, lol.

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