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Everything posted by AfeX^ruari

  1. +1 the first sign of a stupid bug and im not bothering either... i mean they STILL haven't fixed one of the guns in the air transport for 2142... thats a vehicle that one of the guns in doesnt work for... still. It's good that they are trying to secure these games though and I hope they do a good job.
  2. Ive watched someone playing it and seen some draw distance problems etc like the ones you are mentioning but the game looked the business to me none the less! watch a live stream at wwww.xfire.com/live_video/
  3. lol noob got owned :D
  4. hmm thats a strange one, sounded like a stict macro checker... anyway glad 2 hear its fixed.
  5. yeah, my clanmates got accused of using macros by noobass server admins in an esl match and they refused to let us pause the game to fix the problem... grr 90% of esl teams are lifeless! Anyway back on the topic im sure that is what is causing the problem... the server admin has set "pb_sv_restrictions" to 2 which is more stringent on its macro checks and it seems your mouse is triggering the kick... i have heard but cannot confirm that updating the drivers fixes this issue
  6. try updating the drivers for you keyboard or mouse... an error causes it to think you are using macros
  7. are the any logs that you can look at from avos?
  8. why am I not surprised?
  9. imo pbbans is the most professional, most trustworthy and simply the best ac site out there. This statement underlines that.
  10. download teamviewer and have the noobs download it too. have them watch you own people without hacks :)
  11. AfeX^ruari


  12. wooop :)
  13. yet the greatest!!!
  14. lolz
  15. should have enough time to post our goodbyes on pbbans!!!! NAAT!
  16. :( im begging to thing nvidia with AA is the haxor nubs card of choice...!
  17. jumping on the bandwagon to say that these guys arent the only people out there that appreciate it.
  18. this looks great im going to give it a try ;) has anyone tried using the pb_sv_SsCmd "" //[Filename of system command to run after screenshots] and wrote a script that works? I have seen copies of the working script somewhere i think on pbbans but the only problem is every gsp is different and where you upload 2 is different too. am going to give it a try but i need to know it works specifically for me before I upload it 2 multiplay so I need to refresh the memory of my little linux knowledge.
  19. lol late birthday reegards but none the less enjoy it babe. cant wait for the next 6 months :) I want a time machine
  20. Props to the above posters ^^ Will post soon on our clan as we have recently just hassled them for server money, you have to time these things ;) Donation coming on pay day.
  21. Happy birthday guys... many happy returns...
  22. roger roger ... lost the logs :( il keep that in mind
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