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Everything posted by SuperTaz

  1. http://www.polygon.com/2016/5/5/11604660/call-of-duty-infinite-warfare-youtube-trailer-dislikes
  2. I already posted that in post #4: https://www.pbbans.com/forums/call-of-duty-infinite-warfare-t203631.html?do=findComment&comment=499831
  3. http://screenrant.com/call-of-duty-infinite-warfare-teaser-trailer/
  4. http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/04/26/the-new-call-of-duty-has-a-title
  5. LOL...That is all true. The sad part is people are blindly paying for video games thinking this year will be better than last year and/or this game will be complete this time with no bugs. That's not how it works folks! Anyone buying a game when it first comes out has a DUNCE sign on their heads. I was part of that group, but not anymore. I wait until games are in the bargain bin at walmart before I even consider buying it. Now I laugh at people who buy the game new and when the game fails their expectations, I always say "I told you so". LOL
  6. http://www.pcgamesn.com/borderlands-series/borderlands-3-confirmed-for-when-gearbox-finish-working-on-battleborn
  7. Updated first post with the newest trailer on top. Movie looks great!
  8. http://www.businessinsider.com/uk-government-plans-10-year-jail-sentences-for-online-pirates-consultation-copyright-infringement-2016-4
  9. Oh they have got to be kidding...The first Titanfall was a flop after 3 months. I guess they are desperate. :facepalm:
  10. Happy Easter Everyone!
  11. http://us.battle.net/en/forum/topic/20742864181 http://www.pcgamesn.com/diablo-ii/diablo-2-patch-updates-it-for-modern-systems-16-years-after-release
  12. https://www.yahoo.com/news/microsoft-takes-oracle-opening-database-software-linux-203527140--finance.html
  13. http://www.pcgamesn.com/street-fighter-v/street-fighter-5-rage-quitters-to-face-severe-punishment
  14. http://www.pcgamesn.com/battlefield-5/battlefield-5-shows-up-on-german-retailer-site-reportedly-set-in-world-war-1
  15. Thanks for the info everyone. I am still browsing right now, but I will soon make up my mind which to use. I am currently testing them through pen drive.
  16. http://www.pcgamesn.com/dayz/dayz-directx-11-enfusion-engine-preview-shows-improved-rain-and-rendering-effects
  17. Does anyone use Linux? And if so, what is a good one to use? I was thinking about using Linux on my other PC. So far I have these: Ubuntu Caine Tails Suse Red Hat Does anyone use any of the above listed? If so, how are they?
  18. What's this? COD 20 now? lol http://www.gamespot.com/articles/new-call-of-duty-confirmed-for-2016-coming-from-in/1100-6434722/#ftag=YHF6738a5f
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  19. http://forums.joinsquad.com/topic/11691-alpha-4-update/
  20. Here you go:
  21. For U.S. people only: http://6abc.com/weather/the-legend-of-the-immortal-punxsutawney-phil/1182761/ This is where Punxsutawney, PA is: https://goo.gl/maps/5zV2W72ABDt But it should be this:
  22. http://www.pcgamesn.com/counter-strike-global-offensive/cs-go-player-releases-fake-hack-and-purposely-gets-3000-cheaters-vac-banned
  23. http://forums.ubi.com/forumdisplay.php/1118-The-Division-Closed-Beta http://www.gamecrate.com/division-releases-official-pc-specs-and-prepares-beta/12749?cm_mmc=SNC-Facebook-_-NA-_-CNT-GameCrate-TheDivision-_-NA
  24. http://forum.americasarmy.com/discussion/4406/game-update-notes-28-jan-2016
  25. https://games.yahoo.com/news/years-cancellation-star-wars-battlefront-iii-finally-leaks-184814090.html
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