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Everything posted by SuperTaz

  1. Hey all, Would it be possible for someone to make a logo for my site? Here is my site: http://www.globalgamers.co Here is the original logo: Here is the psd file: logo.zip I would like it it say Global Gamers in the same color orange as is shown in the logos above. Also make it in .png format. Any help would be great. Thanks, Taz
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/m/94a5245c-cc10-3638-b9f3-69ae64f102d3/ss_microsoft-finally-admits-its.html
  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!
  4. Battlefield 1 now 40% off on Origin: https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/battlefield/battlefield-1/standard-edition?utm_campaign=origin_org_na_gam_socd_fb_org-bf1-holiday-na&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&cid=28279&ts=1482561482835
  5. I did not know that people can be hanged in COD:MW2? lol
  6. http://store.steampowered.com/news/25175/
  7. http://motherboard.vice.com/read/10-gbps-fiber-internet-fastest-home-internet-in-the-united-states?utm_source=mbfbads&utm_campaign=interest LOL. That would gain an advantage on any game.
  8. This might be something that you might want to consider posting on their site about here: http://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/forum/killing-floor-2/killing-floor-2-general/ideas-and-suggestions-ae It is a good suggestion and maybe if others will say the same thing, then TWI will listen. I agree with your statement though. They do have game launch mishaps.
  9. Killing Floor 2 (PS4) Closed Beta Nov. 4th through the weekend. PS4 ONLY!! http://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/forum/killing-floor-2/kf2-news-and-announcements/news-and-announcements-af/2277049-killing-floor-2-ps-4-closed-beta-open-beta-nov-4th-through-the-weekend
  10. Gotta love the people who blindly buy the game thinking that this is the game that will work right out of the box and then now they are screaming about issues all over again, year after year. https://community.callofduty.com/t5/Call-of-Duty-Infinite-Warfare-PC/bd-p/cod-iw-pc-forum I especially like this one: https://community.callofduty.com/t5/Call-of-Duty-Infinite-Warfare-PC/Where-are-the-dedicated-servers-they-promised/td-p/10062197
  11. Sounds like the person was drunk when he/she made this. lol
  12. Download the legacy COD:WaW files here: codwaw_win32.zip Extract them to your C: > Program Files (x86) > Activision > CODWaW > PB folder and restart your game.
  13. Get the PC version of COD:BO III for only $20.00 from newegg.com: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832133404&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=IGNEFL102716&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL102716-_-EMC-102716-Index-_-PCGames-_-32133404-S3A4B Promo code: EMCFEGL63 Promo code good until November 2nd. Here is the ad that shows the promo offer:
  14. I see there are so many issues going on with supposedly a retail game that is no longer in the beta. They should still be in the alpha phase with all this drama. LOL https://forums.battlefield.com/en-us/categories/battlefield-1-pc-community/p1 It's a good thing that I am waiting until the game is in the bargain bin when I "might" decide to buy it.
  15. http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2016/10/16/call-of-duty-infinite-warfare-beta-extended/#f5d70db784e8
  16. This web server is in NJ/NY, USA
  17. For all you intel lovers. lol List Price: $1649.99 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=19-117-643&utm_medium=BehEmail&utm_source=EMCCP-092816-intel&cm_mmc=EMCCP-092816-intel-_-cpu-_-desc-_-19-117-643&et_cid=29096&et_rid=3714345&et_p1=&email64=V0FSREVOVEVYMjZAWUFIT08uQ09N
  18. That's awesome. I am waiting for something like this to happen from EA/DICE: (Fantasy wish) :D Wishful thinking though. :)
  19. Fixed. :D
  20. I don't know how true this is but here it is anyways: https://forum.myrcon.com/showthread.php?14821-What-are-your-plans-for-running-BF1-servers&p=135874&viewfull=1#post135874
  21. All those n00b cheaters got banned....lol P.S. This is what those cheaters are probably doing to see if they got banned.
  22. Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm uses both VAC and PB together and it works fine. They also have an admin/rcon panel, public server files, SDK and mod tools. Read here: http://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/forum/red-orchestra-2-rising-storm/ro2-rs-general/general-discussion-ab/54473-pbbans-supports-red-orchestra-2?t=53352 So, to be honest, why not have more than one anti-cheat on EA/DICE games?
  23. Looks like BF1 is beating all other BF games in online players. I added the BF1 online players module to my site.
  24. http://in.pcmag.com/office-suites/107412/news/is-time-running-out-for-openoffice
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