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Everything posted by SuperTaz

  1. I liked these kinds of messages from Rocket League. I reported someone and the next day it says this:
  2. And I cannot forget about this:
  3. Merry Christmas Everyone and Happy New Year!
  4. New "Paid" version of this software now. $9.99 https://www.safer-networking.org/products/spybot-anti-beacon/ Or you can cheat and input these into your hosts file. (Located C:// > Windows >System32>drivers>etc>hosts)
  5. I guess PC sales fell this year due to the game being on battle.net. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/call-duty-black-ops-4-180500350.html
  6. Not to bring back an old thread, but I am trying Linux Mint Cinnamon and it seems like a good distro. Anyone familiar with LM:Cinnamon?
  7. https://www.pcgamesn.com/call-of-duty-black-ops-4/cod-black-ops-4-microtransactions?fb=pcgn_ne&fbclid=IwAR2NUC1t9jH14Dlm37BUyGKQqfeX6egf3Yre9-EzzLWpHsVmU3mQqq-pAO8 Now you can buy your skills...Go figure.
  8. A bit old, but, it looks like RS2: Vietnam uses Easy Anticheat, not PB. https://steamcommunity.com/app/418460/discussions/0/1290690926864688868/ Also someone must not like PB as they say it is spyware: https://steamcommunity.com/app/418460/discussions/0/1290690926864688868/#c1290690926864771670 Then someone else says PB broke in RO2: https://steamcommunity.com/app/418460/discussions/0/1290690926864688868/#c1290690926864886911
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDIgjhYlSzc https://store.steampowered.com/app/230290/ If you all want a nice space game where you can check out solar systems, galaxies, stars, planets, black holes, etc. then look at this game, link above. It is $24.99 and is updated regularly. It is 635.3MB in size. Note: This is NOT a FPS game or any shooting game. It is for space enthusiasts.
  10. Looks like a lot of players complaining about the game crashing...LOL https://community.callofduty.com/t5/Call-of-Duty-Black-Ops-4-PC/bd-p/cod-blackops4-pc
  11. Is anyone getting the PC game? Since it is on battle.net I am not getting it.
  12. I wonder why they went with battle.net to host the PC game rather than steam? https://www.pcgamer.com/call-of-duty-black-ops-4-will-be-on-battlenet-not-steam/
  13. Download the Battlefield V open beta now on origin: https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/battlefield/battlefield-v In origin, click the Try It First button and download it. Have fun. Taz
  14. Here you go: https://store.steampowered.com/developer/Tripwire/?snr=1_41_4__42
  15. Remember we are not affiliated with Even Balance, the creators of the Punkbuster software, in any way. We (PBBans) are a 3rd party anticheat site that allows server admins to stream their servers to us for added server protection. If you are having issues with a PB Global Ban, then open an EB trouble ticket here: https://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php Also make sure to read this: https://www.pbbans.com/global-punkbuster-ban.html
  16. Rodeobob has not been around lately. Don't know where he is.
  17. Here you go:
  18. Saw these online and had to LOL: I am stumped on this one below. LOL
  19. Yeah, MS is not too friendly toward open source software. They will probably lock it down.
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/microsoft-reportedly-acquiring-github-210644840.html
  21. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ea-announces-battlefield-v-launching-210000491.html
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