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EAS Kevlar

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Everything posted by EAS Kevlar

  1. Myinternetservices.com is giving away keys, as far as I know. I think a few of my clan members got their key through them. On the main site there is a place for email and a captcha key...but their site is extremely slow due to high traffic.
  2. I am trying to remove a few things from my current forum signature(making the code shorter) and now it is saying that the signature is too long! [#1029] Your signature exceeds the maximum allowed length. Please go back and shorten it a little. And this is what I it says that my new signature's code would be... <a href="http://www.hackhunters.com" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow external"><img src="http://www.hackhunters.com/1/ad.gif"></a><br><a href="http://www.pbbans.com/sig-allbans-ab3031.html" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow external"><img src="http://www.pbbans.com/sigs/3031b.png"></a> Could you take a look into this? Thanks. Kevlar
  3. Ok, thanks for the reply. Again, as you can tell, I haven't played it at all :P
  4. I gotta ask about one more shot. As you can kinda tell, neither of us have ever played BF2142, so it's hard to decipher if the shots are clean or not compared to the COD series :) So, what do the red and blue "blobs" at the top of the screen mean?
  5. The petition was over 12000 when I signed it 10 mins ago!
  6. go into the downloads section of the PBBans site and you'll find it under general or something like that.
  7. EAS Kevlar

    Also, don't download any programs that are supposed to backup your game, or optimize the gaming experience in any way, because some of those have a key stealer built into them.
  8. Have you not learned yet that Treyarch doesn't cater at all to the PC community?!
  9. haha :) Only by 1 minute :P
  10. Here are the new map names: Sub Pens - mp_docks Banzai - mp_kwai Corrosion - mp_stalingrad Shi No Numa - nazi_zombie_sumpf And if you want, our server is running the new maps
  11. Right now, the only place that is under the $59.99 price is walmart(suprise?). They have it at 49.82 and they give you another $10 gift card(or at least that is what it sounds like) http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?...uct_id=11332037
  12. I would have to agree with the other admins here also. I am a head admin at Hackhunters, and I look though all the applications. If I were to look at you for getting into HH, I'd ask a question about it(maybe), but I'd look at the names, and I would find it highly doubtful that a player changes their in-game name that much from two different games. I would definitely suggest that you are clean. I think that it is bs that other admins are banning because of linked IP's, especially when people have dynamic IP's that could be associated with anybody in your province(I think that's canada :P).
  13. Yep. October 26! They have a pre-order deal on Home Premium and Business upgrade disks putting them at half normal price until July 7th!
  14. PB will work fine with W7 when the OS is released to the marketplace(RTM). As of now, it's hit and miss on which games work with the Windows 7 RC. I had COD:WW running, but not COD4. You're going to have to play around with it yourself to find out what works and what doesn't. I'd recommend dual booting with either Vista or XP to play your games while the OS is in it's beta stages still.
  15. You can't just report the people. If you are a server admin, you should get your server streaming to PBBans... If you are a player, and you took a demo on a PBBans streaming server, you can give the demo to the owner of the server and they can submit it for review.
  16. Your os is the reason. Punkbuster does not support Windows Beta releases until the RTM release. You'll have to play on XP or vista until then.
  17. If the person is within some kind of IP range, you could ban the subnet of IP's. Not sure if you can actually do it with PB itself, but I know when you're streaming here, you can ban the IP subnet from your server.
  18. Our servers are now updated. We have 2 up.
  19. It looks as though the server was streaming before you rented it, and the PBBans hub is trying to send packet to it so that the hub can receive it's streamed logs.
  20. I saw it from a mile away! If he were retiring, you would never post something like that on April Fools Day!
  21. I suggest that you make a support ticket over at evenbalance. Most of those issues are due to some kind of program that was updated that PB doesn't like, or PB updated and now doesn't like the program. Use the link below to make a trouble ticket http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  22. I use HLSW. It's nice in the fact that you can manage all of your servers from one screen, but you need to be familiar with the needed rcon commands to run the server.
  23. Try this stuff that was posted above. Otherwise, if it still doesn't work, hop on IRC an see if an admin is around. Make sure to stay more than just a few minutes also.
  24. it sounds as though PB is not running on your server right now. Probably would be helpful if you put down the IP:Port.
  25. another good program to remove that stuff is malwarebytes http://malwarebytes.org/
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