Im pretty sure when your clan member searched for that program he put in rank hack on google or read them 2 words somewhere in the description. But talking to evenbalance wont get you anywhere either. If u ever wish to stream here or any other anti cheat site it will always come to lose the cheater or you cannot stream.
Duality posted in your last thread telling you that they ARE figuring this out. Please give them some time to make a public post on this there is no need to keep making new topics :)
:P Fozzer says its streaming so you should be all set. If you havent yet might wanna check out make sure all your checks are up to date.
When you signed up for your server the company should have given you information for the FTP for your server so that you can put files on it. You should look back through your emails from the Privider it should be there.
ahhh your right there *TNA* Exterminator i like the game all along never had any problems its a fun game and at least they are trying to patch up some of the stuff.......i think this is the 4th time they have tryed to improve the spawns.... lets see how it goes
not really.... would you be mad if you got banned because you run vista and get black ss??? i would be really pissed if i did. Plenty of us here on pbbans have black ss when they are taken on us.
In Cod4 the in game server list normally shows the higher ranked and popular servers.Sometimes making it hard for new servers to show. One thing most people will tell u that will help is ask your GSP to change your port from 28960 to 28930 it refreshes better :P