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Everything posted by UrGonnaDie

  1. and btw that guid is clean buddy your not banned an anyserver streaming to pbbans though u might wanna check the others
  2. 2nd hand game or brand new?
  3. is there anything that was installed since the last time u could play the game regular?
  4. There is really nothing that pbbans can do about this as its not there fault there are alota diffrent reasons that return black SS's and nothing u can do about it sometimes old graphics drivers do it most of the time its a vista user maybe 64 bit users get it more often i dunno but i would recommend to you try and plead your case to the clan/admin that banned you to the fact that your not hacking and the simple reasons a black ss can be returned
  5. Has it been updated at all lately meaning to see the new maps in 1.7 correctly?
  6. Anyone till using this went to the site dont see much of any update since the cod4 1.7 patch
  7. just like any game there is a config file that holds your rcon cod4 is the server.cfg . once you get the servers streaming-----> http://www.pbbans.com/account/webtool.php then you can mannage your greeting in your AccCP at the top of the screen.
  8. Haha thats some funny stuff. :lol:
  9. ive seen something like this before but forget what it was claimed to be
  10. them are kept for comic releif lol
  11. old topics are proablly kept for refrence for people to search for there problem before a new topic is made...maybe
  12. Yup seen this when posted by JD... i think thats its a good idea gives time for GSP's to put the retail on the servers.
  13. Wow still having problems man i dunno if u wanna goto the extreme of a whole system format and fresh install of everything starting with your os then cod4 and pb see if that works i may have missed it if u already have. just an idea
  14. Always a good thing to see the Leagues make it mandatory to stream to an Anti-Cheat provider makes it more fun for the people playing. Nice Decision Oracleman !
  15. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=512
  16. That happens alot when takeing SS's.... windows Vista users return black ones alota the time.
  17. haha buddy the staff told you that the ip that was using that guid that got banned is close to if not yours{im not staff so i dunno about that} but if you think about it from every other SGA's point of view we want our servers clean of cheaters .... that guid is banned.... the ip's are close and i see no reason for them to lift this ban.
  18. not gonna get anywhere argueing about it your reason was given he is welcome to play on non pb enabled servers...Should have just bought a brand new copy
  19. have you tryed a hole fresh install of the game and fresh update of pb keeping your profile to the side so you dont lose your stuff?
  20. try it tell me if it works for you ive heard alota people haveing to do that
  21. No you dont wanna upgrade your dx lol i had to downgrade mine from 10 to 9 to get the beta to work
  22. I dunno what to tell you guys i personally like the game i dont really care much about the minor faults in it. Still fun to play guns are a bit diffrent but hey i had to get used to the guns in cod4 after playing ET. Got it preordered and plan to play the crap out of it till release and after. :P
  23. Yup first step to catching Cheaters is to stream to Pbbans : }
  24. u will need to add the new ip for your server and an admin will approve it shortly then u are welcome to delete your old one
  25. u can delete it on your own. On a side note you should have received the emails from MYIS like 3 days before they did it i tryed to fight with them to get my new ip early so i could tell all my players but got nothing.... oh well they got 1 more month if i dont get my player base back im thinking on closing the server.
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