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  1. It was once said that a black man will become president when pigs fly... well... "Swine Flu"
  2. I'm a penile fruitcake that likes to shrink trouser snakes
  3. We understand bf2 and its series can be buggy. We do not ban for wall / building exploits (bugs). Server admins sometimes do local bans but PBBans does not ban for them.
  4. rofl that should be turned into a FAIL! image.
  5. ill bet people are just bidding to raise the price so noone can have it but will end up not paying for it. Just like that subway sandwhich that had one bite out of it, sold for over a million dollars where the bidder ended up not paying.
  6. There is ip spoofing software out there. Basically all you need to do is change the headers in the packets being sent and you got yourself a spoofed ip. Like Ice_man said we do not ban by IP.
  7. I recommend all of you give ME your money and I will run your game server on my pc or laptop for ya!! ^_^
  8. i dont understand what PBBans has to do with this?
  9. Try doing the online webtool http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  10. i presume by the time the patch is ready BF3 will be released.
  11. These posts of "Fix IT!" remind me of the SNL guy during the politcal campaign that really only said "FIX IT". "When I wake up to tomorrow, it better of been fixed! FIX IT!"
  12. awesome more crap like that makes me have to update my pc with better hardware.
  13. is that a picture of me scuba diving? Looks like me but i cant tell because the mask is on. :-P same gear color and everything.
  14. now tell me that is not a conversation from someone here, but infact a posting found online!
  15. i was like.... who in their right mind would have a black widow as a pet....
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