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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. "Chief Propaganda Pig"

    nice title ;-)

  2. +1 i always forget the changing your IP part
  3. there is no "cleaning it up" those links will always be there. guard your cd-key like it was a bank number you do need a clean cd-key purchased from a reputable retailer. that is about the best you can do then you will only be linked by IP to the bad info
  4. not to be rude, but, who gives a rat's azz? let him spout his drivel somewhere else and good riddance that whole forum is trolls.....when they can keep it up
  5. the problem then is we now know that a known hacker has your cd-key what is to prevent him from hacking on it as well? classic leaked key only a matter of time before your GUID is banned for actual cheating imho
  6. i am sad to say that you are probably correct on much of this everything is being geared to the casual player with mounds of disposable income and no idea how the game experience should/could be
  7. that was a no-brainer though it "had" to happen either that or every semi-flat surface is turned into a billboard i really tried to like that game played the beta way more than it deserved you had to play all the time to earn decent weapons anyway
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3CPIMtXzZ8
  9. i did the same and it appears to add to the list when someone on the MBi tries to join the server. i may be wrong, but, new additions do not seem to happen as often as before we changed our flags
  10. also it is in the URL for profile 123030=me *edit* just looked at Piggy's closely....it has the ID# circled in URL as well
  11. 2500 out of how many? 2500 is what % of what % cheating
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqyNS7ZdY1A
  13. SGA and above can change their forum name it would be best if you started your own thread as opposed to hijacking one that has been resolved less likely to be ignored
  14. wanted to thank you for the Firefox ToolBar

    use it all the time

  15. congrats on getting SGA status

  16. Server Error in '/' Application. The resource cannot be found. Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly. Requested Url: /searchandbrowse/productsearchresults.aspx
  17. after servers are not streaming for a period of time status reverts to member until streaming again for a length of time btw nice avi Ace
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