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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. you are still confused cracked servers are not allowed to stream here PunkBuster is not PBBans if 2000 people had the key before you, it is not legit have fun in your own reality as i know you will never allow yourself to perceive this one
  2. default would be PunkBuster files by EvenBalance i believe http://www.pbbans.com/information-center.html has links to information if you have specific questions, i am sure someone can answer them or direct you in the correct direction
  3. no or you wouldn't have made the comment you are connected to a GUID used in so many different countries as to be an atlas of locations if you had acquired it through reputable means, you wouldn't be connected to it you're only here to stir the pot and try to create drama
  4. if the key was used to cheat, it is banned you are not banned, the GUID is don't use public keys buy them with the full game from a reputable source most places that just sell keys sell the same one over and over
  5. BC2 is done there may be people playing it 5 years from now....i won't be one of them they screwed the pooch on this one there will be a lot of crappy releases now why shouldn't there be? we buy them and bitch too late they already got the money we are going to be on the receiving end of a lot of crap the next few years
  6. HSMagnet

    BC2 Kits

    the ones before the last weapon "tweaks" :P
  7. +1 also moha802000 could you reduce the size or remove the large graphic in your sig? it breaks the forum and causes loading problems thanks
  8. what does this have to do with BC2CC?
  9. that last comment may have come off as smart alecky i should have said there is a search button next to the field to enter the forum ID, that you can use to search for forum IDs
  10. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/enemy-territory-f488.html i would think would be a good place
  11. you need to add by forum ID number not name i think there is a search button as well
  12. you keep harping about no one read your posts you have not read the responses or acted on the information given you keep saying things that are incorrect and ignoring the solutions given reformat your HDD reinstall the OS change your passwords everywhere no one is friends with or protecting or scared of this dude you have a hard on for
  13. what criteria did you use to determine this 2nd you speak of?
  14. sorry if your system has been compromised, but there is nothing PBBans can do about that. only evidence verified by streaming logs and EvenBalance violations will get a GUID added to the MBi Format your HDD and reinstall the OS and some good security measures. Do not give out personal information.
  15. i tried, but, without any sort of break or punctuation, i didn't get very far have you tried the things here http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-pbsvc.html ? try AVG.free for antivirus http://free.avg.com/us-en/homepage
  16. wow wall of text w/o punctuation or gaps....
  17. what do you mean? i run it as well for the mixed mode
  18. only streamed logs and they already have those
  19. i started computer games when shareware was the norm if i liked the game i sent them money and they in turn sent me more content if i didn't like the game or it was buggy as hell, i just uninstalled it and formatted the 5.25" floppy to use for something else if i have to pay up front, there will be no forgiveness i won't be buying at release either. i will be forced to wait on reviews of the full game by people i actually know. i can't believe the review sites anymore the rash of buggy half-ass game releases have already made me wary of BS from these scam artists disguised as game makers. why is broke ass on release the norm now anyway? oh sorry i forgot the [rant] [/rant]
  20. luck is what is populating your server PB flag on/off R8/R9 no effect on our server PB is always enabled not going to have unprotected relations with the entire internet....
  21. a Streaming Game Admin will have to submit it Active Evil One (103480) Active BinaryCrash (131234) Active Terra Networks (129530) Active K-Boom (126749)
  22. why not research the config file and settings, then adjust them yourself? why trust a program or who wrote it or who packaged it?
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