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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. first problem - that is not a BC2 server. typo on port? second - do you have a team account here? *edit* found where you had it streaming before i would restart server and or check with your GSP
  2. welcome to the land of "VIP"

  3. and even then they can only be submitted by the Admin registered here with that server
  4. http://www.portalprelude.com/ free mod very good as well
  5. http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html did you use that ? i have gotten 3 different BC2 servers running different server release versions with it. no problems at all
  6. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/punkbuster-kicks-me-but-only-after-few-minutes-t120585.html/page__pid__315598__st__0entry315598 he is done
  7. i'm only going to do meth/heroin/etc once and then it will be my brother/father/cousin/babysitter really
  8. my community has decided to shutdown our servers. we will be waiting to see what games come along that are community/admin friendly. we cannot justify paying for servers that our own members do not want to play on. i will personally be throttling back on my involvement outside GoBlinARMY. RL issues demanding my attention and my frustration with the direction the last few games have taken made me realize i need to step back so, i will see y'all in the public section for a while ;)
  9. add that info here http://www.pbbans.com/forums/pig-member-lucky-t120175.html/page__p__314813__hl__851720924:27960__fromsearch__1entry314813
  10. random spam on a 6 month old topic?
  11. we use GameServers it is the remote admin password click on the configure tab in the server cp on GameServers web page for your account i believe by default it is your GameServers account number do not use that change the password ASAP
  12. just dedicated servers will not cut it anymore BC2 has them and still fails miserably
  13. QFT of course, many people say it even when they are not good :lol:
  14. you are correct sir. any threat like that or pointed attempts to tell me how to run my server will get you a local ban very quickly B)
  15. admins of the server may ban/kick people from their server for any reason they want or for no reason at all just find somewhere else to play
  16. lol i thought it was bad before the "fix" now it is redunkulous it may just be the overall lack of hit reg. but i have attempted to knife someone from behind and it not take. as many as 3 times before they turn around
  17. you can't even give them constructive criticism about it they ignore you, claim you are trolling or make wild changes in other areas to draw attention away from glaring errors
  18. this topic has lost its luster changing things wholesale in what seems to be an attempt to drag focus from major game issues....... MOH is doomed same crew yes?
  19. yeah if it just another rank obsessed, perk driven POS; no thanks
  20. yeah weren't they the ones wanting MW2 to be console only? and activision made them do a PC version?
  21. http://account.pbbans.com/user.php i think is the link user management button on left of AccCP
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