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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. do you have a server to stream?
  2. i think et was the genesis for uMBi MaydaX split et off because the data was not 100% do to the issues already mentioned iirc
  3. people will buy it for the remake just like zombies in the other releases plus they have promised dedicated servers 402 times before ....
  4. i told you before your attitude and language would not be tolerated
  5. it is a simple security check, which you failed. please refer to
  6. matchmaking = peer to peer =/= servers
  7. i am offended by battlefield games in general
  8. not many on irc these days i always used mirc or Girc
  9. no idea, however that GUID does hold a global ban from Even Balance is that your server?
  10. 2 tickets and a forum thread in one day for the same issue ... patience my friend, patience
  11. tickets are processed in the order they are received. yours was received yesterday creating forum posts about your ticket will only delay it being handled
  12. https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/3y5cgy/psa_do_not_accept_random_cd_keys_from_people/
  13. be sure the ip:port is the same as the battlelog page https://account.pbbans.com/index.php run automated setup using IP: rcon port http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html
  14. https://www.pbbans.com/global-punkbuster-ban.html
  15. situation has changed looks like this now ---------- Account Information ---------- Team: [PLS] Polska Sfora [TDM] ([PLS]) Website: www.polska-sfora.pl Account ID: 16314 Streaming Status: Streaming (2 / 3) ---------- Server List ---------- BF3 - (Streaming) MOHW - BF4 - (Streaming) ---------- User List ---------- _Saracen_72 (228712) ---------- Helpful Links ---------- Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Automated Streaming Setup Not Streaming Fix Donations
  16. sounds like wrong port to me RCON port is needed for setup game or join port for adding to PBBansHub in AccCP
  17. setup should have been done before applying to stream RCON password is from game server provider. check your email from the host use the IP from the battlelog page for the server 2 different ports are used example: Game Port = 25200 RCON Port = 47200
  18. DID YOU USE AUTOMATED SETUP? http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html
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