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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. website on file is kaput activated as lite streaming
  2. i can remember when no one would admit to having CE on their gaming rig...
  3. not to be outdone by the horrible cud:nohosts, EA releases BF$
  4. HSMagnet


    Last Streamed November 26, 2013
  5. waiting for that last ATVI cheque to clear.....
  6. sounds like a bunch of analysts figured out how to get the gov'ment to pay their blizzard bills...
  7. can you answer this OP?
  8. http://www.pbbans.com/global-punkbuster-ban.html
  9. Processing ... Global GUID Ban Check v1.70 GUID is globally banned by Even Balance
  10. that GUID has been used in at least 4 different countries. it is "in the wild" and has been used to cheat you were kicked because bf3 bf4 and moh:wf all use the same GUID and bans can be enforced across all three
  11. meh rehashing always introduces new problems and never corrects old ones the CoD franchise is paying the price for that this go around
  12. Mainboard : Asus P6T DELUXE V2 Chipset : Intel X58 Processor : Intel Core i7 920 @ 2666MHz Physical Memory : 12288MB (6 x 2048 DDR3-SDRAM ) Video Card : AMD Radeon HD 5800 series Hard Disk : Western Digital WD1001FALS-00E8B0 ATA Device (1000GB) Hard Disk : Generic External (320GB) Drive : Generic STORAGE DEVICE USB Device Drive : Generic STORAGE DEVICE USB Device DVD-Rom Drive : YTKVS GH6ZW5U7SH DVD-Rom Drive : ATAPI iHAS324 Y Monitor Type : Acer H203H - 20 inches Monitor Type : Dell Computer DELL E173FP - 17 inches Network Card : Marvell Semiconductor (Was: Galileo Technology Yukon 88E8056 PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Controller Network Card : Marvell Semiconductor (Was: Galileo Technology Yukon 88E8056 PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Controller Operating System : Windows 7 Ultimate Professional Media Center 6.01.7601 Service Pack 1 (64-bit) DirectX : Version 11.00 Keyboard: Logitech G110 Type of mouse : Logitech USB G3 (MX518) Optical Mouse
  13. 20 http://slickdeals.net/permadeal/107426/ea-origin---battlefield-4-pc-digital-download
  14. which one? nevermind scottya268 was last on November 10 i will start the procedures for control change this involves contacting scottya268
  15. ask Even Balance the standard PB response to a violation is a 2 minute kick. turning that into a permanent ban across servers streaming to PBBans Hub is one of the services we offer global bans are a relatively new development http://www.pbbans.com/global-punkbuster-ban.html
  16. fozzer was asking for a link to the thread about your appeal with F|A
  17. check this post ;) http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-ba57d53f-vb326142.html
  18. what is this inter-sex exploiter of which you speak?
  19. why the vid cards are "half decent" and the processors are really ancient?
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