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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. too bad the game-play never matches the trailers
  2. destiny . .] . wait http://www.destinythegame.com/ no wonder....
  3. i thought that franchise died?
  4. get "error - retrying" on mega... :(
  5. you have these? http://www.pbbans.com/forums/files/legacy-punkbuster-files-cat7.html http://www.pbbans.com/information-center.html http://www.pbbans.com/forums/cod4-pb-back-end-has-been-shutdown-by-activision-t179645.html
  6. HSMagnet

    irc fun

    Banned GUID(s) (11) Date / Game GUID / Alias May 22, 2014 COD4 0000306ff34d43826eb8739c8c28b091 Mustermann (MBi) May 22, 2014 COD4 00010c4ceb96db067fe6b1795f7c0b51 Mustermann (MBi) May 22, 2014 COD4 00033c813135ad9e7fbca760ab5438e9 Mustermann (MBi) May 22, 2014 COD4 00056c429c83bad9f4fe7fc19221baca Mustermann (MBi) May 22, 2014 COD4 0000d2e1c73e408ae3bffc858c269cb0 Mustermann (MBi) May 22, 2014 COD4 00270b562f4b151c9b62797e841c9501 Mustermann (MBi) May 22, 2014 COD4 002b781ab8d3fec1fca9eeb116e7905b Mustermann (MBi) May 22, 2014 COD4 002ee576d63825dcde677dc871c2edd8 Mustermann (MBi) May 22, 2014 COD4 0031b40eb605497f270a5a6a75cea97f Mustermann (MBi) May 22, 2014 COD4 00339b80b9f19b8832aae84d79fa1aba Mustermann (MBi) May 22, 2014 COD4 004344e46f37756278a9777229222a45 Mustermann (MBi)
  7. HSMagnet

    irc fun

    [20:09] Player Mustermann ( 29222a45 ) was banned by >TBr
  8. HSMagnet

    irc fun

    [19:47] Player Mustermann ( 16e7905b ) was banned by {PnX} in Call of Duty 4 for PB HACK #132056 - BanID: 343956
  9. HSMagnet

    irc fun

    [18:46] Player Mustermann ( 8c28b091 ) was banned by *T o K* in Call of Duty 4 for PB HACK #132056 - BanID: 343948 . . . [19:06] Player Mustermann ( 5f7c0b51 ) was banned by {FF}name in Call of Duty 4 for PB HACK #132056 - BanID: 343952 [19:12] Player Mustermann ( ab5438e9 ) was banned by FL| in Call of Duty 4 for PB HACK #132056 - BanID: 343953
  10. you need to be Full Streaming vs Lite Streaming requirements list here http://www.pbbans.com/forums/streaming-application-requirements-t82423.html
  11. sounds legit don't have bf4, but, i've seen similar things
  12. reaper souls patch notes :party0049: :jam: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/14138344/patch-205-now-live-5-13-2014
  13. hope that was it been a while since i was over the day to day workings of a server... i know there have been issues with startup line specifying exec cmd of alternate cfg
  14. double check the cfg (pb_sv_SsFloor 1 //[Low screenshot filename serial #] pb_sv_SsCeiling 1000 //[High screenshot filename serial #]) and that there is not some other file being loaded by the server provider or another streaming service that is changing it
  15. http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/generic-ad/index.htm#pbrcon
  16. that trailer is not very good imo. especially the voice work
  17. weird have you tried launching from directory with out steam running? i have cod4 installed here C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare
  18. from MCi http://www.pbbans.com/mci-overview-ro2-40.html pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 200 //[Min # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSsTo 600 //[Max # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] what you posted although 60 is the default setting from EB, it causes issues in real world use i would change that and see what happens. or just upload the PBSV from the link i provided above
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