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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. kudos to you on having a 24/7/365 admin corps. most clans/communities/groups do not i also take assistance where it can be found. PunkBuster is but one tool in the arsenal of a good admin.
  2. after resuming streaming, an automatic process is involved. the hub will update permissions at regular intervals
  3. should be a free map pack/game-mode
  4. so make Kandy KruSH these bean counters have no clue ...
  5. +1 Cisky continually makes new threads concerning the same issue and apparently never reads any responses
  6. please do not make new threads on an existing topic go back and read the other one especially fozzer's response
  7. no such entry in approval queue on your team is:
  8. all i see is this there are no servers in the approval queue
  9. http://www.morkeye.co.uk/ http://www.morkeye.co.uk/downloads.php i have used this program quite a bit it does much more than check binds
  10. you should consider requesting activation for your team colonelva
  11. +1 saved link for Staff use no name and shame also spectator is not the same as the demo function in some games.
  12. try again? are you sure you have done all of that? i reinstalled cod4 not to long ago and had no issue except for my monitor is too good for the dated graphics ;-)
  13. it isn't a PBSS, that is the only suspicious thing about it ...
  14. http://www.snopes.com/humor/iftrue/zerogday.asp FALSE Example: [Collected on the Internet, March 2014] I read an article on Facebook that said a planetary alignment on January 4th 2015 will cause everyone on earth to experience a slight weightlessness. Supposedly, instead of 0.2 seconds to land after jumping off the ground it will take closer to 3 seconds to come back down! Is this true? Origins: As we mentioned in a round-up of classic April Fool's Day pranks which was written nearly ten years ago, one of the more notable japes to occur on that occasion took place in 1976, when British astronomer Patrick Moore informed a radio audience that the movement of two planets would result in an upward gravitational pull which would make people on Earth lighter at precisely 9:47 a.m. that day. He invited his audience to jump in the air and experience "a strange floating sensation," and within minutes dozens of listeners had reportedly phoned in to say the experiment had worked! Classic jokes never go away, and so even though Patrick Moore passed away in December 2012, his leg-pull from the mid-1970s was recycled (outside its obvious April Fool's Day context) in an article claiming that very same event, caused by the very same phenomenon, would take place at the very same time of day — only this time on January 4 (a date which coincided with Earth's closest approach to the sun for the year) rather than April 1: Read more at http://www.snopes.com/humor/iftrue/zerogday.asp#6TaFqGfpVQrLXJiw.99
  15. can't find the tweet ... snopes here i come! (sounds like bs imho)
  16. pravda if {FH} would submit the demos officially, i would be must happy to comment on them
  17. http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-30582761
  18. you honestly think none of us have been banned in error? enough drama locked
  19. added you back to ToC TeamAccount. apologies for the oversight. we try to apply the rules even-handedly. when Even Balance says a GUID is Globally Banned, we act accordingly
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