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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. i played tonnes of mw3/matchmakinglobby2
  2. https://beta.gface.com/
  3. done because that is what some people want? just like some people want to pay for servers they have no control over ;)
  4. HSMagnet


    display name changed all login information stays the same
  5. historically, EB has not fully supported the beta version of anything games, OS, 3rd party progs or overlays such as xfire steam fraps etc
  6. that is probably the quadrivalent vaccine. covers 4 strains of the virus vs. the usual 3
  7. yep even if they promise to have them, they have lied about it before.
  8. http://www.pbbans.com/streaming-application.html http://www.pbbans.com/forums/anforderungen-furs-streaming-t163913.html http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html&lang=de
  9. look at the screen cap above. it is the beta, no A/C is enabled. of course they will be undetected that is common knowledge to everyone but the llamas buying cheats
  10. origin is being most annoying all aound today can't start the free bf1942 d/l either
  11. i'll wait till it is on humble bumble like i did for bf3 ;)
  12. no http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/keyfacts.htm when i was younger, i never got the vaccine and thought i never got the flu when i did start getting the flu shot, i realized that i had the flu every year and that was why i "kept a cold" all winter .... now, i don't have the constant "cold" all winter
  13. clans/communities running managed servers is not even on their radar. it hasn't been for years the only surprise is that they haven't cut it down to 8v8 and P2P hosting
  14. get ready for the disappointment cruise ship. i would be surprised if you even see that in any context with fairfight
  15. i think the big gripe about faifight is that it is all about stats
  16. anyone else playing warz/infestation survivor stories? it is used on that. it spams the server chat with "banned xxxxx" constantly
  17. a case could be made that all of these leaks are on purpose
  18. why does everyone say free to play when they really mean pay to win?
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