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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. Alberto es venezolano y en estos momentos está padeciendo de una enfermedad que no ha podido ser identificada por los médicos, dicha afección le causa tumores ulcerantes que generan mucho dolor y cuadros inflamatorios en varias partes del cuerpo, siendo la cabeza y cuello las áreas mas afectadas. Para lo cual necesita estudios invasivos, digitales y cirugías. Los cuadros inflamatorios le han causado también una "Querotopatia por aceite de silicon", que está afectando la córnea en ojo izquierdo por lo cual debe ser operado lo antes posible para evitar la degeneración completa de la córnea y prevenir la pérdida de la visión. Debido a la crisis de salud que se vive en Venezuela todos estos procedimientos deben ser realizados en clínicas privadas y debido a la hiperinflacion es imposible para el y su familia correr con los gastos de todos los procedimientos. Desde acá yo y mi familia nos hemos unido para esta ayudar a nuestro amigo Alberto y a su familia, quienes están muy agradecidos con la ayuda que puedas brindar, cualquier aporte es una gran ayuda para esta lucha y será recibida como una bendición. Gracias.
  2. my buddy and steam fiend, MrAlcoholico has serious health issues. he lives in Venezuela and needs assistance. please give if you can. even a little will help. thanks, http://gf.me/u/qzynnz
  3. http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html you must have java enabled Default game ports for a few games that see a lot of port mistakes Battlefield 4 Game Port = 25200 RCON Port = 47200 Battlefield Hardline Game Port = 25200 RCON Port = 47200 Battlefield 3 Game Port = 25200 RCON Port = 47200 Bad Company 2 Game Port = 19567 RCON Port = 48888 MoH 2010 Game Port = 7673 RCON Port = 48888 Battlefield 2 Game Port = 16567 RCON Port = 4711 or 4712 Battlefield 2142 Game Port = 17567 RCON Port = 5711 or 5712
  4. roflsnatch can you say, the kiss of death for servers?
  5. https://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=12&guid=c92f0763 Global PunkBuster Ban Global GUID bans are issued and maintained, exclusively by Even Balance. Third party anti cheat sites such as PBBans have no input nor control what so ever re global GUID bans, so using the PBBans appeal system to appeal a globally banned GUID is useless for all parties involved. We (PBBans) will deny the appeal made through our systems due to the above reasons. A troubleticket with Even Balance is the only thing that can help you. Make sure to add any information to it that you think will help your cause (don't forget your GUID). Also make sure that you have told Even Balance that your ban is a global GUID ban. Quick info: 1. Global GUID bans are issued and maintained by Even Balance themselves. 2. Third party anti cheat sites have no input what so ever re global GUID bans. 3. Global GUID bans are normally issued by Even Balance after a period of "silent logging". 4. "silent logging" is when cheat use is detected and logged by PunkBuster software but no action is taken at the time. 5. When the "silent logging" phase is over, Even Balance issue a global GUID ban on every pbguid that was detected during the "silent logging" phase. 6. The only reason your pbguid appears on the PBBans ban list is because you joined a PBBans streaming server direcly after Even Balance activated the global GUID ban on your pbguid. 7. PBBans has actually done you a favour by letting you know that a global GUID ban has been issued on your pbguid by Even Balance, there will be a lot more players who have joined servers that do not stream and will be struggling to find out what happened. If you feel that you have recieved a global GUID or Hardware ban in error, you may submit a support ticket to Even Balance
  6. if they had half a brain they would release the updated cod4 as a standalone if
  7. here is a guide https://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html
  8. donated $5.00 in remembrance of Pearl Harbor. December 7, 1941
  9. check the application. i think this one will work.
  10. i do not see much on either of the accounts. neither has been used very much on servers streaming to PBBans they are both used from the same city the IP you provided has not been seen on PBBans Streaming server since Jun 25, 2007
  11. this is spam in another area you should not be posting this stuff information you may be interested in. Globally Banned? If you feel that you have received a global GUID or Hardware ban in error, you may submit a support ticket to Even Balance. moving this
  12. not gonna do it. wouldn't be prudent at this juncture
  13. if they did a straight to a new engine CoD4, it would be the best selling game ever. (i am including all the server options, of course)
  14. i signed up in august, nothing yet
  15. just tell me we have servers
  16. here is a link to the ban information in our system. please read it carefully https://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=12&guid=349344a398595c4c967d370cfda8fff4 be sure to provide links to any trouble ticket you have with Even Balance
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